Help me, if you can!


Hello, if you're on this page, then you've already read my thread on detailing

my current situation in regards to my life, my love, my everything. If you somehow got here

any other way, then click here and read the various posts in which I describe my situation.


This is a strange thing for me to ask, or to do, but I've really got nowhere else to turn.


What am I asking? Well, I'm asking for anyone who can spare it, anyone who wants to help me,

to donate to my PayPal account (which took me a while to set up) anything they can spare. I don't

expect many people to donate, nor do I expect people to donate much if they do, but anything, no

matter how big, or small, is a great help, and, well... It's such a nice gesture, I don't know how I'd ever

be able to repay those to do help. To those who don't, I don't want you to feel bad, or feel as if you've

let someone down, because you've not! You don't know me, we only know eachother (I assume) from the

anime community forum "AnimeUpload". So you needn't feel bad. I'm just hoping some people will help me!


Click the button below if you do wish to help. I'm greatful, just for the friendship you people have shown me, so

anything else is a true blessing.