mIRC Colourful Text Script

Here's another bit of mIRC programming for you. This is a routine that will take a string that you type in, and output each different word in a random colour. It demonstrates a few of the string processing capabilities of mIRC and gives you a taste of what can be done with them.

The spellchecker I described earlier was designed to run in the background, all the time, on everything you enter. We don't want that to happen with this script, we only want this one to run when we specify it. There are two ways of doing this:

Each has its pros and cons, but I believe the easiest way is as an alias. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to convert it to work on a pop-up menu!

Firstly, we need to choose a short, easily remembered alias definition which isn't already in use by mIRC. I'm going to call the alias /cw so open up the mIRC Editor, select the aliases window and enter this at the bottom.

/cw /say $colwords($1-)

colwords {
  ; declare some variables
  var %newstring = ""
  var %entered = $1-
  var %counter = 1
  var %word = " "
  while (%word != $null) {
    ; extract a word
    %word = $gettok(%entered,%counter,32)
    ; make up a random number
    var %coltext = $rand(1,15)
    ; build up the new phrase, with colour codes in
    %newstring = %newstring $+ $chr(3) $+ %coltext $+ %word $+ $chr(1)
    inc %counter
  ; put the spaces back in to our sentence
  %newstring = $replace(%newstring,$chr(1),$chr(32))
  return %newstring

Ok, let's take this set by step.
/cw /say $colwords($1-)

This defines an alias, called cw, which outputs the results of an identifier called colwords. As yet we don't know what colwords is, or what it does, but we do know it works with the text you type in ($1- is an identifier that means "the first word and everything following it").

Here are the new ideas in the $colwords script:

  while (%word != $null) {
     %word = $gettok(%entered,%counter,32)

These two lines sort of go together, so I'll explain them both in one go. The != in the first line means "not equal to", so this line checks the contents of %word to see if it is not equal to %null.

The $gettok identifier is part of mIRC's built-in language; here we're using it to extract token number %counter from the string %entered. In our case we want our tokens to be words, and words are separated by spaces. In general, though, tokens can be anything, and they can be separated by anything - spaces, commas, semicolons, slashes, etc. Some identifiers, like $gettok, need to be given the code of the character rather than the character itself, so we either have to know that the ASCII code of a space is 32. If you want to know what the ASCII codes are, your PC or printer manual should contain a list of them.

For example, assume that %entered contains "This is a test"
$gettok(%entered,0,32) returns 4 (there are 4 words in the string)
$gettok(%entered,1,32) returns 'This'
$gettok(%entered,2,32) returns 'is'
$gettok(%entered,3,32) returns 'a'
$gettok(%entered,4,32) returns 'test'
$gettok(%entered,5,32) returns $null (see below)

If we want our separator to be the letter 's' instead, this is what we get (note that the ASCII code of 's' is 115):
$gettok(%entered,1,115) returns 'Thi'
$gettok(%entered,2,115) returns ' i'
$gettok(%entered,3,115) returns ' a te'
$gettok(%entered,4,115) returns 't'
Think about it a little, it does make sense.

If we try to get a word past the end of the sentence, the $gettok identifier returns $null, which means nothing. Variables can contain anything at all, even nothing. Note that 'nothing' is not the same as zero, or "", and if a variable contains nothing at all it returns $null. (Aside: if you think of a variable as a shoebox, which can contain a piece of paper with the variable's contents written on it, then $null is an empty shoebox. A variable containing zero can be thought of as a shoebox containing a piece of paper with zero written on it.) If we've reached the end then we don't want to process this non-existent word, we want to finish up. The while command makes sure that we only process the commands between the curly brackets while we have a word to process.

  %coltext = $rand(1,15)

If we've got this far then %word does in fact contain a word, so now we use another built-in identifier to return a random number between 1 and 15. Colour codes actually start at 0, but we don't want to use zero as that is white, and we don't want white text on a white background! We allocate the random number to a variable called %coltext.

  %newstring = %newstring $+ $chr(3) $+ %coltext $+ %word $+ $chr(1)

This actually starts building up the string we want to output. We want to start with the %newstring we already have, since we want to add each word to the end of it. The $+ means 'concatenate', which is a very fancy word meaning 'stick this on the end of that'. As an example, "hel" $+ "lo" is "hello". The $chr(3) is actually the Ctrl-K code which we use to set colours (how did I know this? I read some other people's scripts and experimented!). Then we append our random colour code, then the actual word and finally a $chr(1). Why the $chr(1)? Well, if you have another look at the $gettok examples I gave earlier, you can see that it doesn't give us the separator character. We've got to put them back in, otherwise allthewordswillruntogether. However, I've discovered that mIRC doesn't like adding a space to the end of a string - they just don't get put there. So we think laterally and put a different character there (it could be anything as long as there's a reasonable chance it won't occur anywhere else in the string) and we'll replace them with spaces later. By the way, it took me an hour to figure this out!

Writing this line of code without a lot of the symbols in it, we have newstring = newstring + ctrl-K + random colour code + word + temporary character representing a space, which I hope makes a bit more sense to you.

  inc %counter

This line of code increments the %counter variable by one. If we don't do this, we'll end up processing the same word over and over again. (If we said inc %counter 2 instead, then only every other word will appear on the screen at the end!)

  %newstring = $replace(%newstring,$chr(1),$chr(32))

We now replace our temporary space character (the $chr(1)) with an actual space character, which is $chr(32).

return %newstring

Finally, we return %newstring to the routine which called %colwords (in this case, our alias).

To use the alias, type something like

/cw These words are all in different colours!

New Techniques introduced in this section - see mIRC help file for more information
$gettok identifier
$null identifier
$rand identifier

mIRC Colourful Nicknames Script

This script changes the colours of the nicknames in a channel based on what mode the user has. Operators are shown in red, people with voices on moderated channels are shown in green and everyone else is shown in black.

colnames {
  ; declare some variables
  ; $opnick(#,0) tells us the number of ops on the channel
  ; $vnick(#,0) tells us the number of voiced people on the channel
  ; %numcol will be the number of ops and voiced people
  ; %numnix will be the total number of people on the channel
  ; %curline will be the line number we're looking at
  var %numops = $opnick(#,0)
  var %numv = $vnick(#,0)
  var %numcol = %numops + %numv
  var %numnix = $nick(#,0)
  var %curline = 0
  ; first check to see we actually have some ops
  if %numops > 0 {
    while (%curline <= %numops) {
       ; change the current line to 4 (red) - you can use your own colour if you wish
       cline 4 # %curline
       ; next line
       inc %curline 1
  ; check to see we have voiced people
  if %numv > 0 {
    while (%curline <= %numcol) {
       ; change the current line to 3 (green)
       cline 3 # %curline
       inc %curline 1
  while (%curline <= %numnix) {
     ; change the current line to 1 (black)
     cline 1 # %curline
     inc %curline 1

The only new idea in this script is the /cline command which changes the colour of a line in a custom window. Check the on-line help for more information. Everything else in this script has been covered in other areas of the tutorial.

The script as it stands is an alias, which means that every time you type /colnames the nickname list is scanned and coloured. What we want, however, is mIRC to do this for us every time the nickname list changes. The list changes when people are opped, deopped, given voice, had voice taken away, join the channel, or leave it, either by PARTing it, or being kicked, banned or QUITting IRC. Each of these events can be picked up and acted upon by mIRC. Add the following to the Remote Events section: (Notice that the on quit event doesn't have a # - this is because it is triggered when someone quits IRC, and it not specific to a channel).

on 1:JOIN:#:colnames
on 1:PART:#:colnames
on 1:QUIT:colnames
on 1:OP:#:colnames
on 1:DEOP:#:colnames
on 1:VOICE:#:colnames
on 1:DEVOICE:#:colnames
on 1:BAN:#:colnames
on 1:KICK:#:colnames

An improved Colourful Nicknames Script

The script presented above to colour the nicknames is not the best approach. For a start, it is large and cumbersome. Also, it only works when the channel window is the active window, and it only works for one channel (i.e. if you have two channels and a query window open, the script will only work if the current window is one of the channel windows, and it won't update the other channel). Here is a better (but more complicated) version, based on a script found in alt.irc.mirc posted by Adam.

colnames {
  ; find out how many channels we're on
  %channo = $chan(0)
  while (%channo > 0) {
     %currentchannel = $chan(%channo)
     ; find out how many nicknames are on the current channel
     %i = $nick(%currentchannel,0)
     while (%i > 0) {
        ; if the current nickname on the current channel is an op, colour it red
        if ($nick(%currentchannel,%i) isop %currentchannel) { cline 4 %currentchannel %i }
        ; if the current nickname on the current channel is voiced, colour it green
        elseif ($nick(%currentchannel,%i) isvo %currentchannel) { cline 3 %currentchannel %i }
        ; otherwise colour it grey
        else { cline 14 %currentchannel %i }
        ; next nickname
        dec %i
  dec %channo

The script is a bit shorter for two reasons: One, we're using a neat little shortcut of starting at the bottom of the nickname list and working our way up to the top, instead of going from top to bottom. Two, some of the if statements are on one line, whereas they used to be on two lines or more.

Also note that the script uses two loops, one inside the other. The inner loop does all the nicknames on a channel, the outer loop does all the channels we're currently on.

New Techniques introduced in this section - see mIRC help file for more information
$chan(0) tells us the number of channels we're on
$chan(1) tells us the name of the first channel
$chan(2) tells us the name of the second channel
$nick(%channel,0) tells us the number of nicknames on the channel stored in the %channel variable
$nick(%channel,1) tells us the first nickname on %channel
if Danny isop #mIRC returns true if Danny is an op on the specified channel
cline changes the colour of a line in a window