1968 A.D.

1968 A.D. is a collection of mostly Electric Ladyland demos and outtakes, with a few other songs added (most notably, Miami Pop performances). An interesting collection, though I have one complaint with it. The end of the Three Little Bears is cut off. And the final 4 minutes or so of this track feature an amazing solo performance by Jimi. A slow blues along the lines of Villanova Junction. It can be found on the Mixdown Master Tapes set in it's complete form. Other than that one small irk, you get a pretty good package, if a bit repetitious in spots. The Miami Pop performances would probably be the highlights of this CD, a nice live set. Will have to look and see if the complete concert is available.

Sound quality is good, just a little tape warble here and there. But if Electric Ladyland is a favorite of yours, you will probably enjoy seeing the humble beginnings of some of the tracks from that classic album.

Catalog #: Kopy Kat 001