Electric Ladyland

Jimi's third, and probably finest overall album, Electric Ladyland showed Jimi at his most experimental. From the sci-fi explosion of the opening track And The Gods Made Love, the blues of Voodoo Chile, the psychedelia of 1983...A Merman I Should Turn To Be, to the ultimate air guitar rocker Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Electric Ladyland has everything. This is not your typical album, where you play one or two songs. You put Electric Ladyland on, and let Jimi take you on a 75 minute trip through the universe. If you can only have one Jimi Hendrix CD in your collection, this is the one to have.

Many versions of this one exist, the 2 CD original release, the Reprise single CD remaster, a European version featuring the original nude Electric Ladyland cover, this, the 1993 Douglas "remaster", and the 1997 Hendrix Estate release. Again, when in doubt, buy the 1997 version.

Catalog #: Reprise