David Thomes Jones

Born: December 30,1945 Manchester England
Children: Talia,Annebel, Sarah & Jessica
Current adress:

Bert Scneider and Bob Rafelson were making plans for a new series called The Monkees Davy was already under contract and auditioned. After several experimental auditions and screen tests, he was chosen as Monkee # 1. After the second time the pilot they filmed was submitted, it was picked up for 1966 fall season. Davy wa to sing many of the songs the show would feature. He was given the more romantic roles in the show.Davy married Linda Haines. He met her at the Monkees first live concert in Hawaii.
Linda and Davy hadtwo daughters, Talia Elizabeth Jones born 10/2/68 and Sarah Lee Jones born 7/3/71.
It was shortly after Linda & Davy divorced. He married Anita Pollinger in 1982, and had a third daughter Jessica Lillian Jones born 9/4/84.
In 1996, all four Monkees went into the studio to record "JUSTUS". It was written, produced, played and preformed by the Monkees A 30th anniverserary tour kicked off. All of the Monkees were back to being single then. Mike couldn'tjion the others in the tour because he was writng the script for a new Monkees movie.