
Feature - #3: Results


I'm dancing...Have your say...which is the Worst? am I!

Thanks to everyone who sent in their votes...
Heres the complete results

Feature 3: Which console is/was the worst and why?

There was a total of 21 votes and the console that came out on top, was the
Amiga CD32

Feature3 - The complete results

Position Consoles name Number of Votes


Amiga CD32



Atari Jaguar


3rd  3DO


4th SEGA Saturn 2
4th Nintendo64 2
6th Amstrad GX4000 1
6th Intellivision 1
6th QuickShot 1
6th SEGA GameGear 1
6th SEGA MegaCD 1

The complete List of votes
In Console order

In alphabetic Order

Jaffa voted for CD32, he said
"CDTV, because it had no games. A million times worse than Saturn, my friend."

Kaneda voted for CD32, he said
"Amiga CD32"

Steve voted for CD32, he said
"This lump of junk was £230 when it first came out if I remember correctly."

WideUK voted for CD32, he said
"The CD32's joypad was filth from satans bowels, never has anything more uncomfortable been invented."

WolfChild voted for CD32, he said
"How about CD-32? The only game I can recall on it was Microcosm (and that's only 'cos I know 2 of the coders)"

Atari Jaguar
In alphabetic Order

Amplivox voted for Atari Jaguar, he said
"At least the Saturn had some decent games on it-
The Atari Jaguar however was so crap that it completely managed to destroy any credibility that Atari still had left..."

Kaneda voted for Atari Jaguar, he said
"Atari Jaguar ( EVEN with the CD unit! )"

Sparkie voted for Atari Jaguar, he said
"Agreed, the saturn had some truly ground breaking games on it which never saw the light of day on the PS. Gungriffon is a great example - so good, in fact, that the sequel is to be one of the first releases on PS2. It also had some of the best arcade conversions of the time (much like the DC today). Surely machines like the Jaguar and the CD-I which never produced one ground-breaking game are decidedly worse?"

Steve voted for Atari Jaguar, he said
"Atari Jaguar - Nuff said"

In alphabetic Order

Kaneda voted for 3D0, he said
"And 3DO :)"

MrDog voted for 3D0, he said
"The 3D0, for promising so much and delivering so little."

Steve voted for 3D0, he said
"3DO - promised so much but delivered nothing."

SEGA Saturn
In alphabetic Order

Jimmy voted for SEGA Saturn, he said
"For me, the Sega Saturn. Not only undersupported, but aesthetically bollocks compared to the PlayStation (I'm talking about the machine here). FUCKING EXPENSIVE TOO FOR A LUMP OF SCRAP METAL CONVERTED INTO AN EXCUSE FOR A GAMES MACHINE. However, Dreamcast is fairly shit too so far, why the fuck does it make loud noises when it plays games? I guess it deserves a chance - I'll see what Crazy Taxi is like, but I think the Dreamcast is doomed."

MrKevin voted for SEGA Saturn, he said
"I would go for the Saturn! The system was just not what SEGA promised, and I have to what makes me so anti Sega at the moment! Until this console hit our shores, I was a Sega man from top to bottom...the Saturn was the biggest waste ever..."

In alphabetic Order

Computer_genie voted for Nintendo64, he said
"Because they haven't got any decent games, if any games at all LOL!"

hughbo voted for Nintendo64, he said
Nintendo 64 why I bought it I don't know.
It's shite. And Nintendo fans don't start the pointless boring PSX vs N64 debate because this is only what I think. I just think PSx is alot better. And I sold my n64 a month later. The End."

Amstrad GX4000
In alphabetic Order

AlexKidney voted for Amstrad GX4000, he said
"The Amstrad GX4000 truly was the dog's arse of all consoles. No competition."

In alphabetic Order

Geoffrey(Monjo) voted for Intellivision, he said
"Intellivision and other early pretenders for having less than 1MHz, no RAM, and the ability to shift about 2sprites b4 they crashed!"

In alphabetic Order

Zedd-x81 voted for Quickshot, he said
"Oh yeah! The GX400 was pants, but there was an attempt on the humble Gameboys life. Quickshot released a gameboy ripp-off machine, You could tilt the screen which was quite handy instead of holding in a awkward position like the GB. My vote goes to the Quickshot!"

SEGA GameGear
In alphabetic Order

Niaz Khan voted for SEGA GameGear, he said
"The Sega Gamegear because of the horrendous battery life, good handheld loads of games but 2 hours please..!!!"

In alphabetic Order

Gecko voted for SEGA MegaCD, he said
"I would say the Mega CD, probably. It just plain sucked, megadrive games with fancy intros. Or those gawd awful "adventure" games, Night-trap anyone? I think thunderstorm was the only decent game on it, a helicopter type thing. The 32X wasn't too bad, although woefully unsupported with only its launch titles ever released! I remember playing a few games on a "sega bus" once, and they were pretty cool. Doom, Starwars, Virtua Racing, and some walker thing were all pretty cool. Yeah, it was never worth buying, but it *could* have been good."

Please be sure to check out this months Feature, which is your best gaming experience...

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Page created: Saturday 4th March 2000
Last Updated: Saturday 4th march 2000