Hendra Wahyudi Saputro Hendra Wahyudi Saputro Hendra Wahyudi Saputro Hendra Wahyudi Saputro Hendra Wahyudi Saputro

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Be Orange..!

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# Zomblo Communities

The Cyber community who always yelling friendship, humor and peacefull in their life. Come and join us at Dal.net IRC forum.

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Setia Hati Terate

Setia Hati TeratePersaudaraan Setia Hati Terate is a social and sport community which bring brotherhood in their activities.

Contact to Hendra

Phone : +628123676861


ICQ : 136152132


Be Orange..! 

Hi my dear friends.., I'm Hendra Wahyudi Saputro, just call me Henz. Welcome a board to my personal website. Thanks to God who always bring wonderfull things in my life, therefore we are able to communicate, even you are just read, watch and maybe argue about my self. I do not want to be like a bullshit human being, but at least i have tried the best thing in my life through this site. I`m trying to be my self even the win blows so fast. Sometimes i feel lonely in the midle of The craziest social communities. But this site may change everything .. of me.


Well, thanks to My Family, friends, vespa 1972, natural site plan who i lived by, which it's in Mojokerto, Bali, Madiun, Pacitan and others. They are contribute to my personality life while others "things" may also influencing to my deep in soul.


Please, let me say : The world is my country, All human being are my breathen, To do good is my religion, and To be honest is my friend. PEACE !!




Hendra Wahyudi Saputro


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