Both fabulous examples of generosity and humanity at its finest.

Over the years, we've seen Joxer grow and evolve from the desperate warrior wanna-be to the true friend and companion we all want to have at our sides in the thick of battle.

Over the years, we've watched Ted tackle his characters with the agility of a tightrope walker. From being hands, feet, and even a once-dead corpse in his elder brother's Evil Dead films to the glory days of seaQuest DSV, and even into the future with a little film called The Attic Expeditions, Ted manages to make his characters watchable and enjoyable.

So I've split the page. One path takes you to the section where we explore Joxer as a character. The other path goes into Ted's work as an actor.

Please remember: It's just a TV show. They're just movies.

This is just a tribute.


The Joxer the Mighty page. Contains graphics, filks, and a fic/script.

My personal Ted Raimi fan page. Contains graphics, personal stories, and a brief filmography.

Click here for the seaQuest and Xena Marathon Info Tables.

All images, sounds, and publicly recognizable characters are copyright their various owners. This page was created for entertainment purposes only, no monetary profit is being made from this page and no infringement was intended.
Problems with the site? E-mail me: Hequet_lady at yahoo dot com
(The usual "at" symbol and the "dot" have been replaced due to continuing problems with the hunter-seeker programs utilized by spammers. I'd advise you to do the same with your personal pages if you have had similar problems. For more information and suggestions on how to deal with the growing spam problem on the internet and the WorldWideWeb, check out The SPAM AbusePage.)