Herby's Adventures
On January 6th, 2004 a much talked about snow storm hit Greater Vancouver. Lower than normal temperatures and the pinapple express combined, creating more than 25 centimeters of snow (that's 10 inches for you American folk)!!!!

This snowy day was very exciting and joyful for all snowmen and women. It was on this day when the snowflakes falling were as big as Canadian quaters, that Herby decided to leave this hellish place for warmer and more interesting climates. Quite frankly, he was getting sick of staring at all the igloos. With a population of over 1 million, all those igloos were making him go blind because of the glare.

He's Outta here!!
My Adventures:
Island Paradise
Playboy Mansion
Mars Attacks
Ironman Competition
Canada Votes '04
Dream Job
Sup Snowmies
Where should I go next?
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Last Updated: May 23, 2005