Temptation Pour Deux

by Annie Adrienne

Chapter 4
The Water Gets Higher...

“Ron, did you bring the butterbeer?”

“Ginny was supposed to bring it!”

“I thought I was?”

“No, Harry, we’re doing rotations, remember? You had two weeks ago!”

“Ah, well, no matter. I brought enough, Gin, love, are you still with us?”

“Right here Harry! It’s a bit dark, though…”

“Just a minute, lumos!”

The end of Harry Potter’s wand tip lit, revealing a good portion of Gryffindor tower, seated in the center of a large,

comfortable lounge. Ginny and Harry were curling up together on one of the plush couches, while Ron and Hermione
took separate overstuffed armchairs, next to the fireplace. Ron pointed his wand at it, and soon the room was toasty
warm and dimly lit, vaguely reminiscent of the Gryffindor common room. Vaguely, because there were absolutely no
traces of green, silver, blue, or black in the Gryffindor common room. It seemed as if the prefect’s lounge had been
made purposely to accommodate all of the houses.

“We’re so lucky you’ve been made a prefect, Herm.” Ginny said, yawning and taking a sip from her boyfriend’s mug

of butterbeer, too comfortable to reach across the table for her own. “This room is the only nice place to meet
after-hours, you know. None of the other prefects would be out this late.”

“Mmm.” Ron agreed, also seeming as happy as his sister in the red chair closest to the fire. “Plus, you can take points

from all the Slytherins.”

Harry and Ginny laughed, but Hermione strangely didn’t find it quite as funny as she used to. Was it because of Draco?

Or because she was finally beginning to realize that the Slytherins were people too, just ones with more money?

“Anyway, now that we’re all here-” Hermione started, trying to change the subject before her mind ran away with her

again. “Harry, Ron said something was up Voldemort? I figure we’re as safe to talk here as we would be any place.”

Harry and Ginny shared a worried look, and the youngest Weasley reached up to run a hand lightly over his scar. He

kissed her softly, causing Ron to squirm in his chair a bit, and then turned back to Hermione.

“Basically, Hermione, it’s just the scar again… except it always used to hurt just for a few seconds, or a few minutes

at most. Now it’s been dully aching for two days or so- makes me think that Voldemort’s up to something big.
Something so big, he’d have to be killing people left and right himself…”

“I thought the Death Eaters did most of his dirty work.” Ron said, a scowl coming to his face only from talking about

it. Ron was on track to be an auror, Hermione knew- he wanted to fight the Death Eaters. He probably hated them
more than Voldemort himself, that he always left up to Harry. But Death Eaters were everything that Ron hated in a
person- proud, cruel, spineless and on the whole disgustingly rich.

“Not all the Death Eaters are as powerful as Voldemort himself.” Ginny thought aloud, shivering even in the warmth

of the fire and Harry’s arms. “Sometimes, when a particularly powerful good witch or wizard comes along, he’ll need
to take them on himself. Moody told us all about it when he came to dinner last year, remember Ron?”

“I wasn’t paying much attention.” He laughed, stretching out on his chair and sipping at his butterbeer. “Mad-eye’s all

right, but a bit boring in the conversation department I’d have to say. Sirus, though- he told me he’s going to work on
getting me a job as a junior auror as soon as I graduate next year.”

“Really? That’s wonderful!” Hermione smiled, feeling a rush of pride for her friend. Sirus had been cleared of all

charges about a year ago, when Peter Pettigrew revealed himself as a Death Eater in Voldemort’s inner circle, and
was now working as an auror, tracking Peter and the others down. He’d taken quite a shine to Ron, inviting him (and
Ginny) to stay at his house in Scotland with Harry over the summer. He’d invited Hermione, as well, but she’d told
him she was going home-

“Going to enjoy your summer with the muggles, Herm?” Ron asked sympathetically, unknowingly following her train

of thought as close friends often did. “I can’t see why you don’t just tell your parents you’re going to stay with Gin at
The Burrow, and come with us-”

“I want to see them, Ron.” Hermione lied, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “They’re growing worried about me,

I haven’t gone home for break in ages-”

“I understand.” Ginny said, looking between the two. “I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t see mum every once in

a while, and don’t pretend you’re not the same, Ron.” The redheaded boy only laughed, grinning at his little sister.

“I daresay my life would be a good bit easier if I didn’t have to face mum, Gin. Now it’s getting late, what say we all

head back home? I know our very own little prefect’s got to get some sleep, what with OWL’s coming up and all…”
Hermione shook her head, holding in a laugh and pretending to look scandalized.

“Like I’d waste precious studying time with sleep! Ronald Weasley, I thought you knew me better!”

“Oh come, Hermione.” Harry said, helping a very sleepy Ginny to her feet. “We all need some rest. None of you lot

should be worrying about Voldemort, anyway.”

“Harry, we’re your best friends and girlfriend, respectively.” Ginny smiled, wrapping an arm around his waist

affectionately. “It’s our job to worry about you, and protect you from anything that’d try and harm you.”

Ron nodded, ruffling Harry’s hair with a grin, and they headed out of the prefect’s common room together, Hermione

heading up the rear. She tried to ignore the pang of guilt she felt at Ginny’s words- but the youngest Weasley was right.
What the hell was she thinking, agreeing to spend the summer with Malfoy? Yes, she wanted very much to know what
it was like on the other side, but what would she be sacrificing to satisfy her curiosity? What would she have to do?
Cast the imperious curse on a muggle like her parents? Avada Kendavra, even? Would she be asked to help in a plot
against Harry?

She knew it was wrong, terribly wrong to even consider going with Malfoy, but something about him- about the way

he spoke to her, the things he said, made it impossible for her to resist his offer. She didn’t want to betray Dumbledore-
never mind Ginny, Ron, or most importantly Harry. But what if Draco was right? What if there were only two sides,
two separate and equal sides to the war, fighting against each other? And what if she could change things for the better,
maybe even help Harry?

It was a risk she had to take, she decided, steeling herself for whatever questioning emotions she’d be feeling in the

months ahead. After all, how hard could it be to simply keep up appearances for a week or so more at school? She
had to be strong.

“Hermione, are you coming?” Ron called from the top of the stairwell, interrupting her thoughts with a familiar cheeky

grin. “I swear, I can’t leave you anywhere anymore. Someday you’re going to find yourself cornered by those bloody
Slytherins, and then what are you going to do? Your brains and beauty won’t save you from that rubbish, I’m telling
you-” he stopped in mid-sentence, sensing the third person who had just appeared at the top of the staircase.

Oh, bloody hell.


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