Since this has been up so long,I find I am getting the same questions emailed to me all the time. So I will start this page:Q: CAN I STUDY UNDER YOU AND BE ORDAINED BY YOU? A: No,you cannot. In the Eastern Tradition it is normal for a bishop who becomes a hermit to relinquish his ordinational powers. This is to prevent conflcits with local diocesan bishops. Only full-fledged members-in-residence of this community are ever considered for Orders. It is never promised upon admission. We are first of all hermitmonks not clergy. I train/ordain as I see fit and as the needs of the community require. STUDIES are a different matter,though. One of the ways I support this foundation is by selling teaching CDs. As of Nov 2004,these will also be formatted for most DVD players. These include Dogmatics,Church History and Spirituality,Comparative religion with a decidedly catholic-christian focus,Medieval Studies and more to come. Bishops and their seminarians buy these usually but will sell to anybody who wants them and pays upfront. BUT some other bishop does the ordaining.    Q:WHAT ABOUT RETREATS AT THE HERMITAGE? A: Possible but unlikely. We originally tried that as a means of support but felt like we were running a Holiday Inn franchise.A few retreathouse books still have us in them but when they ask us for an update,we decline. If you see one of those listings,it is old news.It was just far too disruptive of our eremetical lifestyle.