All I can do is apologize for subjecting you to any of my poetry. It is almost uniformly angst-ridden tripe that doesn't even entertain ME (and that's saying something, as I'm very easily amused for the most part). I'm generally frustrated every time I look at any verse I've written because it's literally painful to me.


This one is frustrating in a different way. I wrote it on the first day of a vacation I just got back from and the idea just jumped out at me the moment I woke up. The images are still following me, but I can't seem to find the words to do them justice. This is the best I've been able to do so far.



Scientists, Philosophers and Artists


Once I sat in a lecture room

And heard the renowned teachings

Of butterfly wings

And their effect on reality


The world ends not with a bang,

Assured the learned physicist

Nor with a whimper

Or any sound at all


For each time a butterfly's wing goes back instead of forth,

Every drop of rain that gets caught in the crack of my window

Or slips down the pane,

The universe splits

Rows of each possibility into the stars

Into ordered infinity


The image of all our dreams being granted moved us

The scientist left the podium to great cheers

(For who can deny that he wants to have all doors open?)


After a long moment the philosopher rose

Smoothing his thin and rumpled hair

Pulled a slender briar pipe from his coat

And made his way to the front


A new and dangerous truth he described

Where my successes were not my own


Every choice of mine

And every drop of rain

Or butterfly's wing

Would change everything


And what, he asked

Is the point of a world

Where every choice is made both ways?

Where no fault is mine, it is true

But also no virtue?


A restless silence descended

The stooped thinker shuffled back

To grudging admiration

But little love

(For who wants a world where our victories are inevitable,

and do not reflect our merit?)


The artist sat in silence

As the restlessness in the room grew

He noticed the attention at last

And took a sip of water

Or perhaps it was wine

And stepped to the podium


He stood for a long moment, then reached to the floor

Brought out two canvases to display for us


Each showed an image of a forest,

The vibrant colors nearly painful in their intensity

And covering nearly half of each

The black and orange of a huge monarch butterfly

Caught in mid-flight


In the first, a driving storm

Sent rivulets down the bole of each oak


The second painting, colors muted

With the inky darkness of night

No moisture left to shroud the leaves


With the barest of smiles,

The artist shrugged and spoke but these words

"The butterfly is still beautiful."




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