The Library


Bookshelf (navigation)


I have no recollection of learning to read--in fact, I can't remember a time in my life when I couldn't.  Books have always been a huge part of my life, both in terms of the time I've spent with them and the impact they've had on my ideas.  You'll find a few book-related things here:


The Stacks

You've heard that you can learn a lot about someone by the company they keep?  Personally, I'm of the opinion that you can learn just as much by the volumes on his or her  bookshelf.  In the future, I have vague plans to provide a complete listing of the books I own, but for now it's just the ones I've read most recently.


The Authors

There are many  authors who have touched me deeply.  Here's a listing of a few of my favorites, along with the works I found most intriguing.



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