Other people's work

What kind of homepage would this be if it didn't link to the other sites I use to waste time online? The assumption with such a thing, of course, is that anyone would care enough about my opinion to actually visit these pages...


1. Green Scissors. A new site, recently started by my best friend, Levi, with yours truly as a contributor. It's an e-zine, of sorts, but so much more. There's no real content to speak of, but that will change shortly, we hope. Come check us out! www.green-scissors.com

2. Humans Being: An artist who truly makes my jaw drop. www.oocities.org/gracefire78/

3. The Onion: The world's greatest news source, by their own admission.  www.theonion.com

4. The Movie Sounds Page: I've spent way too much time  here, downloading lines from So I Married an Axe Murderer. www.moviesounds.com

5. The Bastard Operator From Hell: More evidence of my feelings of inadequacy as it relates to technical aptitude. I envy The Bastard's ruthlessness. http://bofh.ntk.net/Bastard.html

6. This site is an awesome philosophy research base. A great resource for students and...well, me. www.erraticimpact.com


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