Gladiators On The Web...


There was heat in the air as the sounds of childish taunts screamed out for his blood. Jack sweated profusely and his torn up deer skin loin cloth made him even more uncomfortable. Usually it was hardly even noticed. Almost all of the lost island boys were around Jack-the ribby, almost scrawny light haired tough. Jack didn't have time to see if they were all really there or not but he knew Roger was no where to be found. The gang of boys were howling indiscriminat leers at him, something to the effect that he should die. Jack them as one-united and singular-Billy, the twins, John, Peter, Pablo, Rapper, Steve, Andy--all but Roger and hey, thought Jack--where the hell were Simon and Piggy and---he tensed even more as the boys around him in a semi circle parted their near naked bodies. From among them came Ralph, wearing a skimpy loin cloth not unlike his own. Ralph, his dark friend, had what looked like war paint on his face and arms. Jack moved away from Ralph.

Ralph had a look of determined mayhem on his usually together face-his features were now imbibed with a kind of vengeful forcefulness that Jack did not believe Ralph capable of. Yes, Ralph was a good leader--that's why the others had all picked him as head. Jack sneered even in this predicament-that was a mistake--he should be leader, not the overrated Ralph. Jack now felt fear because Ralph had the crazy look of murder in his features and a long wooden spear he obviously spent a great deal of time perfecting-the long thing had a sharpened tip that could not have been any pointer. It would rip his flesh apart and rupture all his innards-and from the look on Ralph's face, that was exactly what he was going to do. Jack crouched low, "What have I done? Ralph, we're friends! Why do you want to kill me?"

From the crowd he heard jeers of, "Kill, KILL, KILL!"

Ralph approached with such ferocity that Jack had no time to do anything more. He dodged but Ralph had swung the spear in an arc across at him. He was hit across the upper stomach just below his chest and between his ribs. Jack did actually move back a bit and was merely grazed by that sharp point. However it was enough to wound him into a shock that put him to his back. He continued to plead with Ralph but in all the chanting by the other boys for his blood and guts to be spilled, Jack was not positive Ralph could hear him or if Ralph did, if it would have mattered.

In a victorious manner Ralph came to stand over Jack's hurting, throbbing form as it lay taking in its hurting. Jack winced, then caught Ralph's stare at him. Ralph was enjoying this too damned much. Ralph sneered down, "I am better than you. You murderer-you kill good but I am better than you--you were not good enough. How say the voters..." Ralph turned to the crowd of jumping boys. One boy--a meaty dark blond little un jumped up and down while Billy playfully jabbed a wood knife at his rounded belly, "Split him and leave his belly meat for the gulls." If he could, Jack would make them want to come to his side or he'd hold something over them to make them do his bidding. Another boy, Tex, gave a gladitorial thumbs up sign--gee thought Jack, was he on my side? I treated him pretty badly at the school and even butt fucked him the first night on the island. Then he noticed Tex's growing smile as Tex let his hand go from the survive thumb-up to a twist of the wrist to its thumb down position. Ralph, who never took his wild boy gaze off Jack's stomach smiled as ifhe had seen Tex's death sign. Other boys acted out Jack's death with each one playing Jack and Ralph, then switching roles--they all wanted to feel the proud emotion of slaying a living thing but they all wanted to also exalt in the passive role of being hurt by the winner. Tired, a few laid side by side to bask in the sun and think about how great it would be to die in a savage battle or to run someone through with a spear such as Ralph had poised over Jack's navel.

All this took only seconds--to Jack it seemed an eternity. His nipples went hard with fear as he took in what all the boys wanted-his slow torturous death--because he was different--he wanted things and felt things he tried to hide from them. They could not know such pleasures but he promised himself if he were to live, he'd make them see his ways. In the meantime, Ralph who now straddled Jack with his feet on either side of Jack's hips, stood maliciously overhead while placing the tip gently into Jack's belly button--which stood out to begin with. Ralph smiled, "You might as well enjoy this killer boy, because it'll be the last thing you gonna feel." Ralph raised the spear and lunged it down into Jack's belly button--puncturing its outer curls into Jack's lower stomach. Jack squinted in pain and his leg went up in a spastic motion. He saw Ralph's eyes dwell on this and felt the point thrash through his upper intestine wall into his stomach as Ralph mashed. Then the point stopped its descent. Ralph smiled in a valiant victorious grin, obviously enjoying the feel of really driving a spear into Jack. "I'll try to make this as pleasurable as possible--you won't die right away so go with it, man, feel it."

Jack arched his back, involuntarily rising his hips upward. This caused more pain as he rose--Ralph held the spear still and stiff in him, giving him the effect that he was meeting the spear with his hips and purposefully rising to impale himself further. Jack's whole pelvis shuddered and spased. He fell slowly along the spear shaft in immense pain. Jack grunted as did Ralph--two very different grunts but also very alike. "Please...ughhh."

"Let it just delve into you, man--don't resist or if you do harden your muscles maybe I'll enjoy--oaww hell take this..." Ralph plunged. Jack doubled up, his back to the sand. Still, he managed to look at the pool of fore formulating slowly around the shaft which stuck in the spot where he used to have a belly button. More blood began to seep through. "I always wanted to try this." Ralph twisted the shaft from above, "Yea, that feels real good don't it. Man you are enjoyin it."

Jack realized as he stared at his belly that he was doing to die--it finally hit home. He would never live long enough to shave..never again screw some girl or kid...the pain all rushed to the point of the spear deep within him. His stomach was trashed and as Ralph twisted, he also churnted it doown to crush intestinges--Jack could feel it all in these brief seconds--he was in fact realized this would indeed be the last sensations he would ever feel--he got hard thinking about it. He was not sure but the intensity of such an extreme focused pain ripping deeply in him made him twice as hard without him giving any effort to it at all. Jack wondered what it would be like if all his orgasms could be induced in such a way. In short, he did indeed begin to enjoy these last few moments of feeling as he struggled to hold onto life--but dying in such a way--a hot rush of poking pain--sharper and more efficient than any penis--would not be as bad as he first thought.

The loin cloth rose high and tore off form the penetration of the blood engorged member. Billy laughed, "Lookie' lookie' I wanna have it after he's dead--make good use if it on you, Ralph." Ralph plunged, absorbed in the final cut--and how great it felt to be alive and ministering death to the weaker below him. "Weakling die in pain and your own juices."

Jack felt it rise as the point ruptured through his spleen or kidney--enroute to his spine. Lubricating fluid pooled out of the opening, throbbing slit on his head--the head of his penis--Jack did not know he could get so large and thick without shooting off a truckload of jissim. Jack did not want the tip to sever his spinal column so he purposefully twisted his light weight body so it would miss. He was partially successful. He did not think that this move would save his life or even spare him undo pain. Jack just--at this point--didn't want the feeling of chipped bone to ruin the effect it was all having on him--flesh being jabbed was quite a sensatoin but bone breaking would spoil it and remind him this was once an alive body with hopes and dreams and... shhhshwoosh...he could feel it entwine nerves as it nicked his spinal cord and brushed against his column. The bony back now played host to a popping out spearhead intermixed with flesh--parts of his navel, yellowish intestinal fluid and wall, stomach bile, and who knows what.

"CoooLLL!" Some gasped in awe, looking under Jack's hip.

Jack groaned with every ounce of himself as he felt the tip beneath him hit the sand and go in.

Ralph too felt his weapon pierce the sand and kept it digging in until he was overtired from trying to drive it in any more. He couldn't. He also felt engorged with energy with every dying sound Jack squeezed out from his throat. Ralph panted breath out, surveying his handiwork with his hands never leaving the shaft. Ralph's eyes went wide, not with horror, with pride in what he had accomplished--he let out a small smile and huff of pleasure--hard and stiff under his own loin cloth. He wanted to grab Jack's member and shoot it off before the victim died--why waste it?--but he dared not let go of the spear since it gave him such a controlled feeling of power and dominance. Jack felt a good part of him meshed out his lower back into the sand under him. He spasmed again and again and felt all the culmination of tingling excitement gather at the base of his straining cock. Perhaps, Jack thought, it was trying to rocket off the dying body--to escape before the end--like in an old science fiction movie where these people had to escape earth before it blew up in some space rocket--Jack had thought the earth exploding looked reall fiiinneeeee......his penis swelled to a smooth yet tight hard redness stabbing up at Ralph--maybe to stab the bastard back. Jack laughed at that...and laughed and laughed...the joke was on all of them--this did feel great!!!!! Jack giggled in the throes of it all--pain, pleasure, and the dripping clear rivlets felling from his forward. Stuff was coming out from all over his body it seemed. His ass sweated--the few hairs there mingled with sweat to form a rectal mucus with the sand he was swishing around in.

"Feels good--I told ya," Ralph grunted, "More than you deserve."

Jack moaned, "It does feel ughh good really ggggoodd!" Jack moaned in a death cry now. His hands, which at first merely flailed about, then had held onto the shaft of the spear in a vain effort to keep it from stabbing down, now left the shaft and descended quickly to his balls and pushed up. The pain flushed through Jack all along the spear within. He found himself spurting gobs and gobs of clear and yellow-white fluid. One projectiled itself across and under his goes another burying his nipple...the boys all hushed in awe now. Jack grunted to a crescendo....another shot ripped across his side all over his ribs and up his shoulder--a few drops up on the top of his shoulder....sperm was everywhere and as it fired with that quick draw spring action which only raw, pure nakedness could allow. Jack felt the pain of the usual burning sensation in his dick head amplified thousands of times over by the pain the rest of his body was undergoing--specifically the new opening from previous outtie belly button to the new hole from stomach out his back....the spear was thrust in all the way and then Jack felt it come back up.

Ralph must be pulling it back out Jack winced.

"OHHHHHHHHughhhhhhhhhhgggohhhhfffuuc!" The tip ripped up now causing new damage as it paid no heed as to how it tore out. New pain to experience. More--just as Jack thought he was to expire a new tearing of vitals upward uplifted him from a hazy close to deathness to a renewed screaming vigor---he shot more sperm up and out and over--his sex organ flopped and swayed and hit his area between leg and trunk and hit his hips and bone near them--leaving a wake of whiteness creamed all about with each touch. A slab of goo flopped out as Jack kicked and vibrated uncontrollably--spitting all through the air--and a few curdles found their way to and into Jack's grateful mouth. Jack, in his thrashing, got a good look at his torso and saw the point tear up and out of his former belly button. It was wet with multi colors--red, white, green, sandy brown, leafy yellow, and had strings of flesh and inner material not meant to see outer air. Jack grunted again in one long last satisfying grunt of pain and more of pleasure as his penis squeezed out the last of its white stuff onto his belly just below it. BURNING..FIRE...AN OPEN HOLE IN HIS BELLY AND HIS PENIS FILLING WARMLY WITH AIR and making him love and hate it...death and spew..rocking and swinging...side to side...up up up up and down down down a tingle on his tip...

Jack looked as a spurt flew to his upraised belly button and awashed it in a mountain of milky white creamness. Wait--he still had a belly button--let alone a belly at all? Jelly and jam and gell jissim were all over his legs and chest and shoulder to be sure. Even now more love paste oozzed from his slit to his pubics. He directed his member to wash his leg and abs with the love goo. A vacant empty sense ached through his shaft as the spill off tapped out of its hole. He had shot all he could and was not complaining--it was a lot and felt overpowering in its grip of him and his entire body. Now he had to decide what to do--get up and piss his system clear or lie there and savor the sweetness and the smell of sweat and sex. IT had all been a nightmare--his belly was intact although now it was burning with joy juices. His belly button although housing a pool of living fluid and being covered in the gissum to invisibility was still gnarled and vibrant. His back was as strong as ever. His penis still ached on the scrotum side and Jack looking about at some of the thick skinlike scum on his smooth flesh wondered if he had shot part of his scrotum off in the rush of it all.

He leaned back, enjoying that he was still alive and could hear the sound of the tide and the birds and what else--oh yes, if a stupid plane flew overhead. Eyes bore into him. Turning, he saw his bedmate, Roger, staring at him. "You lost your shorts again, man. Man you really laid waste to em' this time--maybe..."

Roger, a big muscular beefy type, touched shoulder to shoulder with Jack, who felt a little embarrassed by his third wet extraganza. Roger's brown haired head rose up and licked a meaty clump of foam off of Jack's pelvis. Jack quivered as he Roger touched him--almost a moving back at first, like when one is tickled gently. Roger swallowed more and more until he too had to release a cannon full of scum into Jack's bare ass as he, in a fit of erotica turned the eager to please Jack onto his stomach and dove his prick deep into Jack.

"Like a spear, hey Jack?"

Roger laughed. Jack stood up and found his attacked shorts, "Don't say that again man--" Roger caught Jack's mood, "I didn't mean any thing--" Jack smiled, "It is a weapon all right...yours kills got blood on it, man, shit."

Roger reached out and grabbed Jack's torn, scummy, brown shorts, and bit into them, "Hey man, you can't fuckin wear these any more---you need a loin cloth..."

"Way cool," Jack urged, "Help me make one, will you?" Roger tore the shorts with his teeth like a savage animal, "You know it." "Hey, you guys were supposed to be on fire duty a hour ago," Puerto Rican Pablo came up to them in this clearing in the forest. "Fuck that," Jack said, "We got more important things to do than nurse some suckin fire."

Pablo looked at them, "So I see."

Jack looked, "You wanna help us help us but if not go piss off with those other hopefuls of loser dicks...yea and your little boy blue Ralph, too---he ain't never gonna get us to survive on this savage island. Only a fierce warrior can."

"What now?" Roger asked.

"We leave them all soon---who wants to, comes, you too, Pablo, if you want to." "

Well, maybe..." Pablo left and Jack bade Roger to find him a deer to kill. He watched Ralph climb the rocks to find him after Pablo's report and mused---"Well, you are not gonna stick me, Ralph old boy. I'll get you first and I will find a way to get them all on my side even that fat Piggy and saintly Simon--one way or another they will do what I want against you."

When Roger returned with bloody deer skin, Jack grabbed it up, licked it, and tied it onto himself, "We mustn't let any more know about us until we're ready to split."

"What about Ralphy?" asked Roger with a tone of mocking. Jack leered toward where Ralph was innocently climbing, "Sharpen a stick at both ends..."

"Both ends??"

Jack smiled, "Yea, so if'n he stabs at you and gits you in the gut, you can thrust the other end into him. I ain't letting him get away with nothing." Roger laughed, "I'm with you. That is a cool idea." Jack smiled, "Go on ahead of me." Roger obeyed blindly, leaving Jack to relieve himself and to pee. Jack felt more relief in the knowledge that his dream would never become a reality--he'd see to that................................................

Story by INNOUT

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