Gladiators On The Web...

The cage was 25 feet square by 10 feet high with black steel bars all around and on top. It was built by a wealthy group of businessmen and sports figures in a secret warehouse on the edge of town for their entertainment. I was part of an underground ring of cage fighters supported by these men. We lived and trained as warriors. We ate, drank, breathed and slept fighting, dedicated our total minds and bodies to combat in the iron arena. There were the winners and the losers, the trainers and the trained, the keepers and the kept. The latter lived in cages to be trained for fighting by the keepers and to be used by them for other physical sport. The former roamed free and made lots of money. I was one of the former, also called an "Alpha".

I've fought, wrestled, punched, kicked, chopped, rammed and beaten my way up the ranks to become an Alpha. I've trained day and night with the "Kept" - a group of very handsome, muscular, ruthless men - tougher-than-iron. Our backers wanted strong men who got hard ons from fighting, men for whom combat was blood-rushing, cock-pumping foreplay. That made us even more aggressive. We would often fight and then fuck - driven hard by aggression and man sex. Winner took all... in the cage... in front of everyone!

But the training matches were only games, only preparation. They were rough. Losers sometimes suffered crippling injuries or worse. But training matches were practice all the same. The Alpha fights were the real test. Unlike some of my opponents, I didn't believe in maiming to win. I wanted my opponents to survive, to train even harder and take me on again. Then I could beat them again... and again... and again.

I stood in the center of the cage, alone, a single spotlight shining down on me. In the light I couldn't see the audience of men surrounding me in the balcony, but I could hear them buzzing like wasps. I wore only black wrestling boots and the black and gold spandex brief that was the proud symbol of an Alpha fighter. That was all we wore. Our bodies were our true uniforms - bronzed skin and muscle built hard by years of fighting, diet and training. My "uniform" was medium sized for an Alpha - 5'10", 190 pounds, vascular and ripped. I have brown curly hair like a Greek warrior, and my chest and legs are covered with light soft hair.

This was my tenth Alpha level match. I had beaten fifteen other worthy opponents in nine other bouts - one on one and two on one. I had a reputation for having the toughest abs in the circuit - like the grill of mack truck, eight carved rows of forged human steel. Tattooed right in the center of my muscle stomach was a clenched fist - a challenge to all who would take me on. I could withstand hundreds of blows, slams, kicks, punches. I could do thousands of sit-ups, crunches and leg lifts. I could crush walnuts with my abs. I let one very famous man, who shall remain nameless, place a plank across my abdomen as I lay naked on a deserted arena floor. He drove the front wheel of his jeep over my body. I held the vehicle up with sheer will and muscle power. He paid me a lot of money to do that. Seeing me straining under that weight made him cum right there in the driver's seat. I can believe it.

I welcomed challenges like that. Tonight was a new challenge - my first fight against three opponents. No holds barred. The stakes were higher, the loss could be much greater. But so could the prize. "Bring 'em on!" I yelled, braced like a jungle cat waiting for his prey.

Horns sounded. The cage had no doors on the sides; just a barred door in the ceiling. I looked up. The door opened automatically, and I could hear the rattle of the chain coming down from the dark ceiling. Holding onto it, with his booted foot in a metal stirrup, was a huge form. First I could see only strong chiseled legs. Then the whole body came into the light. I recognized him as he lowered into the cage. His name was Stone - 6 feet of solid muscle, handsome, shoulder-length black hair, green eyes. I had trained with him, beaten him in two matches. But he'd changed. He was larger than when I last saw him, bulkier, more massive. He was wearing calf high wrestling boots and a tight black singlet. Not your traditional wrestling singlet but briefer with one thin strap over the left shoulder. The front was half open, showing his massive hairy right pec, carved abs and the top tuft of pubic hair. The crotch was cut high on his thighs like a speedo outlining a buldging basket. On his boulder-sized left bicep was a wide black, metal-studded leather arm band. His legs were smooth, muscled like a lion. He looked dangerous. He let go of the chain and smiled a confident grin at me, the grin of a man certain he is going to win. I grinned back.

Another metal chain clanked lowering the second warrior into the cage. I knew him, too. His name was Band. He was blond, 5'8", 175, with a buzz haircut, intensely handsome. He was wearing nothing but a white, narrow-cut thong. His thick cock and ballsack were clearly outlined against the white fabric. His exposed ass was like two chiseled rocks, with deep crevices in his cheeks and striations across his rear. As he came down into the cage, he held onto the chain with both hands and lifted his body out parallel to the floor, showing off his gymnastic prowess. He was not thick and massive but pefectly proportioned, smooth, tan, shredded and oiled. The muscle facets of his body shimmered like a cut diamond. He summersaulted onto the floor and danced edgily on bare feet thickened from kickboxing and martial arts. He was itching for action.

Suddenly the third opponent jumped down into the cage landing on massive legs with a crashing, huffing thud. His name was Bull, and he lived up to his name. Short, 5' 6", pushing 200 pounds. You could almost say he was top heavy. His arms were like pile drivers, his neck an oil drum, his shoulders and traps like mountains. His pecs nearly exploded out of his chest with large thick nipples. His abs muscles were narrow across his stomach and stacked heavy on top of each other. He was wearing black wrestling boots and a black leather loin cloth. His big exposed cock and balls swayed underneath. You could easily imagine him snorting and charging in full-erect bull rage.

The three of them stood in front of me, arms out at their sides, fingers open or fists clenched, ready to fight. They began to circle me, about ten feet away. I turned slowly, watching each with an eagle eye and razor sharp reflexes ready. All six eyes met my intense, confident stare. You could almost feel the heat of their bodies, burning to take me on, waiting for the sound of the bell, the signal for battle. They might have thought they had me outnumbered, but they were in for a painful surprise. The bell sounded. Bright lights flashed on. My opponents attacked instantly - all three at once. Stone swung, Band spun into a karate kick. I quickly dodged them both. Bull lunged from behind. I rammed my elbow backwards into him. Band swung out with his leg to trip me. I jumped up and shot both fists out connecting with Stone and Band's faces. They took the blows and grabbed both for both my arms. But before they could hold me down, I somersaulted back out of the way. Bull hit me with his shoulder, trying to knock me down. I reached back around. scooped my arms around his thick hard waist and lifted him up using his momentum. With strength and momentum I threw him over on his back with a crashing thud.

I looked up and saw Band coming at me in a triple hand flip. I ducked to the side as his feet and fists came whipping past me. He spun into a karate kick. I went low. His feet slashed over my head. I shot my body up into his knocking him back onto the floor. Bull came at me with a flying leap. His legs locked around my waist in a brutal scissors hold. His weight took us both to the ground. Whummmppfff! He tightened his huge thighs around my midsection. "Guuuuuuhhh!" I breathed. Then Stone dropped to the ground and locked his legs around my neck. Four boa constrictors of quad and groin muscle squeezed me deadly hard. I huffed and gritted my teeth to keep from being crushed senseless. Bull laughed as the stacks of his quad muscles bunched harder. I couldn't even yell. Stone's legs cut off my windpipe. My face was going red. I had to act or I'd lose consciousness.

As each man made me suffer I could see their groins buldging between their tightened legs. Perfect targets of flesh, nerve and testicle. I shot both fists out, smashing both men in their balls at once. They grunted in pain, swore at me and crushed harded. I gagged and struck out again - three rapid karate blows into their ball sacks. Their nuts recoil on impact. They yelled. Their legs both opened instantly, and I twisted out of the way.

I jumped to my feet, spitting to get my wind back. Band stood right in front of me. The others sprang to their feet, mad as hell. All three closed in on me. I karate kicked, spinning in a complete 360, smashing my foot across all three of their faces -Bam! Bam! Bam! - knocking them back.

Bull and Stone staggered and then rushed me. I jumped backwards, thrusting my back against the bars. I lifted with my arms and pulled my body up out of the way as Bull and Stone slammed into the cage wall. I brought my legs down on their backs, pushing them face first into the ground. Using their backs as springboards I somersaulted again, landing both feet into Band's chest, pushing him backwards. He fell hard. I drove my boot into his gut. He doubled up. I stomped again. He choked and caved inwards.

Before he could make a move, I lifted up his body, and, with all my muscles bulging, pressed him over my head. I threw him at my other two opponents. Band fell across their chests, knocking all three to the ground. They scrambled over each other to get to their feet. Stone pushed Band aside in a rage to get at me. I dodged him and turned headlong into Bull. I leaned down; Bull went flying over me. As I leaned back up, Stone grabbed my neck in a head lock and wrenched me around. To keep him from breaking my neck I went with the throw, tumbling onto the mat and springing to my feet. Band slammed into my back with his shoulder. I went forward. Stone spun into a karate kick, his boot speeding towards my face. I ducked, but he kicked with his other foot into my side. "Hummpphhh!" I breathed to shake the impact.

Bull swift punched straight down into the back of my neck. It was liked being hit with a stick of dynamite. I went down flat on my face, head pounding. Keeping my wits, I grabbed Bull's ankle. I twisted with all my might. His leg went out from under him, and he went down on his front. I sprang like a tiger and landed on his back, grabbing him around the shoulders with a full nelson. I flipped over on my back taking us both down to the floor. I spread my legs out under his into a painful spread-legged lock. His whole muscular weight rested on my body as I wrenched his massive neck and ripped his thick legs apart. He tried grabbing at me with his arms, but he couldn't reach behind him. The cords on his neck were solid and red as he strained to escape. Looking over his shoulder I could see his cock was erect between his legs, pushing straight up from under his loin cloth, thick as a python and covered with veins. My cock went hard against the corded muscles of his back.

Stone tried to pull me off, but I was the "bull" now! Standing, he grabbed my neck from behind with both his hands and rammed his foot between my shoulder blades. Sharp pain shot through my back. As I tortured Bull, he tortured me. Neither one of us would let go, no matter how intense the muscle-shredding agony. All three of us were yelling. Then Bull rammed the back of his head into my face. More pain. I moved my head to the side so he couldn't slam me again and crushed his neck harder. Stone pulled harder on mine. I let him go with it. Using leverage and the force with which Stone was pulling me back, I rolled back, taking Bull up onto my front. It happened so quickly that Stone lost his grip on me. I locked my legs around Bull's midsection and squeezed him viciously with a scissors hold, never letting go of the full nelson. Air escaped from deep within his frame with a low "Huuuuurrrrhhhh". He tried to kick his legs to turn us over, to twist out of my grip, but I held him hard.

Stone and Band each gripped their fingers around each one of my legs, trying to pry them apart, but I didn't let go. I didn't see it coming as both of them simultaneously kicked my sides hard! Hurt! I held. Again, both boots into my side. And then Craaammmmm! - boots into each side of my head. I saw stars. That gave them the edge to break my hold and pull my legs apart.

Bull rolled around on top of me and slammed his forehead into my face - Crackkkk!. Sharp pain! I couldn't move. He was heavy as lead. He gripped me around the throat. The others let go. He lifted me up to my feet and landed a haymaker to my chin, sending me dazed and spinning. Stone karate kicked, connecting with my chin, spinning me around again - Crack! Band stopped me with a slamming fist into my stomach - Crunch! Bull kicked his foot into my back. I went forward into Stone's clenched fist - Smash! They circled around me punching and kicking; I was knocked back and forth between them like a pinball - Slam! Whack! Bam! Whump! Crack! Wham! I lashed out with each blow to my body. Hitting them back. Fighting pain with pain! Fist into chin! Foot into gut! Foot into face! Elbow into neck! But pain was returned faster than I could strike. I faltered. One, two, three blows struck me at once! I fell back into Stone. He grabbed me from behind. His thick arms locked a full nelson around my neck. He yanked me up hard wrenching my neck. My back slammed against his rock hard stomach muscles and his boulder pecs. My feet lifted up off the ground. I could feel his cock against my lower back. It was like an iron pipe.

Bull grabbed both my feet and lifted me up parallel with the ground. Band raised his fist above his head and brought it down into my stretched out gut - Slappp! I held firm, but the force pushed me down and pulled Bull forward. He righted himself on his feet, stretching me again. Bamm! Bammm! Band's fist pounded my muscle gut. I held like a steel bridge. Bammm! Bammmm!

Bull threw my legs down and swooped his fist into the tattoo on my stomach. "Huuuggghhh!" I breathed out. He hit hard. Stone held me from behind like a target as Band cartwheeled and spun fifteen feet away from me, showing off his gymnastic prowess. He was dangerously gorgeous. Then he charged into another triple handspring towards me - one, two, three, FUUUUWHAMMMM! - both feet landed in my gut! "Fuuuuuuhhhhhh!" I expelled. The force almost pushed Stone off his feet, but he held me up to absorb the full impact of the blow. Band bounced back on his feet with a grin; then he spun in a karate kick and broadsided my gut. He followed instantly with a one-two to my abs - Whamm!! Whamm!! "Huugggghhh!" I yelled. Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Right! Left! Right! Left! Speedbag punches. I could see Band was getting off on beating my abs. His eyes glinted, and he grinned with a cocky smile. His dick was huge-hard in his thin white thong. FFFbammm! "Huuuhhh!" He spun and karate kicked me again with his barefoot! I felt it, but I could take it. "Am I supposed to feel that?" I said.

"Yeah!" Band said, "and this!" He hauled off and punched me hard. His muscles flashed on impact. My ab muscles flexed like rock. "Hfffffff!... Nice try." I came back.

Stone jerked me up higher off the ground. "Tough guy, huh?" he said in my ear. "Think you and your abs can't be taken down, huh?" He paused and then bellowed "Break him!" That's all Band and Bull needed to hear. They drove their fists into my gut like machine guns, one after the other, one after the other, one

after the other. I kicked and jerked but I couldn't loosen myself, couldn't fend off their blows. I took them. Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! I ate the pain!

They stopped for a moment and then both musclemen sent their fists into my gut at the same time. BHHHHHAMMMM!!!! Twice the pain! BHHHHAMMMM!!! "Uuuuuuggghhhhhh!!!" I started to double forward loosing air. Stone wrenched me back and up off my feet, exposing my red abs to another doubled fisted blast. His powerful arms locked tighter under my armpits and around my neck. "UUUUuuhhhhhhhh!"

"Yeah," he said breathing hot on my neck, "Slam him!" The two smiled. BHHHAAAMMMM!!!

"Yeah!" he groaned behind me as his iron cock shoved against my rear. DOUBLE FISTS AGAIN! As each blow to my front pushed me back, Stone would ram his fuck muscle deeper between my cheeks. "Fuck his stomach." he said. "I'll fuck his ass!" BBHHAAMMMM!!! JABBBBBBB! BBBHAMMM! THRUST! BHAMMM! "Huuuuuggggggg!"

"Yeah! Take it, punk!" BBBHHAAMMMMMM!!! My own cock was swelling up. The feel of Stone's dick against my ass would weaken me if I let it. I had to resist. BHHHAMMM! FUCK! "Uuuuuuhhh!" BHAMMM! FUCK! "UUUUggggg!" "Yeahhhh! Feel that!" he bellowed. "That's what I'm gonna do to you when I take you out, meat!"

"Fuck you!" I snarled. I bent my midsection up, kicking my legs into a "V". My feet struck Band and Bull's chins. They staggered backwards. I whipped myself up, breaking Stone's hold, somersaulting into a seated position on his shoulders. I gripped his neck with my thighs and reached up, grabbing the top bars of the cage. With all the strength I had in my arms, in my stomach and in my legs I lifted myself up into an arc, pulling him off the ground. I yelled with super human effort as I wrenched my body up and slammed his head into the bars at the top of the cage. He flailed with his arms, grabbing my legs to keep from choking. I lifted again trying to knock him out -Slam! Clang! I'd never lifted myself up with so much weight before. I'd done chin-ups till my arms burned like coals... I'd done knee lifts with weights tied to my legs to strengthen my abs, but never had I lifted 200 extra pounds. My stomach was on fire; my biceps felt like they were

going to burst. Slamm! My cock was rock hard feeling the power of my body - Clang! - holding a muscleman between my legs - Clang! - bashing him against the ceiling bars with sheer - CLANG!!! - brute -Crrrang! - adrenaline charged - Branggg! - muscle strength.

Stone reached up and grabbed the ceiling bars, stopping me, holding us rigid. I couldn't keep my hold on him as he yanked up and swung his legs to shake me off. Then - Bam! He shot his head back into my balls. "Aaaagggghh!" That hurt. Again! "Uuuahh!" I breathed. Stone took the advantage and twisted free leaving us both hanging by our arms facing each other.

Before I could get my bearing he rammed his boot into my stomach - Blammm! The blow jolted me and swung me back, but I held onto the bars. His leg was strong. His boot was hard. But my stomach was harder. He started to kick again. I jerked my body to the side, and spun my legs straight out into his stomach. Both feet, direct hit! Whammm! He rocked slightly but held. He was solid and tough, stomach of iron like mine. Whammm! I kicked again. His gut was still solid! His arms were pumping up huge! He swung and smashed his foot into my abs - Blamm! "Huuuffffff!" I spit. I lifted myself up and came down on his chest with both heels! Whamm!

"Uuuuuuhhhh!" he barked as he swung back. Then again, both feet into his gut. "Huuuuuuuhhh!" I could tell he felt that. As I went up for another blow he shot a castrating boot into my balls. "AAAArrrrrrggghh!" I yelled. My stomach muscles clenched; pain shot through my body. I struggled to hold onto the bars.

Just then Band grabbed my feet spreading them apart like a wishbone, making me a wide open target. I couldn't move. Stone kicked my stomach again and again and again. Bamm! Blammm! Blammm! Wham! Whammm! His quads bunched into thick muscle and shook on impact. I tried to pull out of Band's grip, but I couldn't. Bammm! Slammm! Stone's boot tread stamped mottled red marks on my stomach. My gut ached; my balls throbbed; but I held on hard. "Uuuhhhhh!" "Uuhhhhhhh!" I breathed to keep control. He was hammering away to make me drop. He could have gone for my arms, my face, my balls. But I think he enjoyed torturing me this way, knowing how proud I was of my abdominal muscles. I could have let go of the bars and fallen, but I held, flaunting my power, the strength of my torso. He tried to chip away at it with his powerful legs.

Just then Band pushed my legs together and pulled down. Stone swung with legs together like a trapeze artist, whipping his heels right into my solar plexus. The blow shot me back. I lost my grip and fell on top of Band. Stone dropped like a missile with all his weight. I sensed his move and rolled out of the way. His feet crashed down inches from my chest. He smashed down with his fist, hitting the canvas as I rolled the other way. I lifted up with my legs and pushed into Stone's stomach. With all my strength I lifted him up and flipped him over my body onto his back. He landed with a stunning thud, wind knocked out of him.

Aching, still breathing hard from struggle, I rose to my feet. Band stood in front of me, intense, ferocious. His engorged cock pushed the white fabric of his thong six inches from his chiseled lower stomach. My cock was raging hard. "Come on, stud! Come and get me!" I yelled. We circled each other for a tense moment and then charged like rams, fists clenched, spit flying. The other two watched as we slammed into each other front on, and bounced back from the hard impact. I righted myself on my feet and struck his solar plexus first. His fist smashed into my middle abs. I beat him as he beat me, only harder. Slam! Smash! Cram! Bam! Swack! Wham! Ram! Bam! Slap! Slam! Crack! Crack! Crack! WHAMMM! I plowed my right up into Band's stomach sending him off the ground. His air went. I had him. I uppercut his gut again! Again! Again! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! Each hit drove him up off his feet, caving his abdomen in, pushing him back. Thuddddd! Thuddddd! Bhhhammm! THUDDDDD! He was like a huge rag doll dancing on my fists. "UUUUUgggggghhhh! UUUUUUgggghhhh! UUUUggghhhh!" I pounded the breath from his body. Pounded! Pounded!! POUNDED!!! He staggered. I stretched out both arms, clenched both fists together, and shot a two-armed anvil blow up into his chin. His head whipped back, blood flew from his mouth and he went down, flat on his back. His rippled stomach was stretched out red and pulverized; his oiled-chest heaved. He was unconscious. His dick was still hard. A large wet stain covered his white basket. He'd cum in his thong as I beat him.

I let my guard down, admiring my work. Bad move! Bull grabbed my traps from behind. He wrenched me back and brought his knee up into my back, shooting pain between my shoulder blades. Stone jumped in front of me, put both hands together out in front of him and swung his arms straight out like a baseball bat. He connected with my chin. "Guuggghhh!" Too much pain! I went limp. Bull took the opportunity, grabbing between my legs from behind and lifting my body onto his shoulder. Crushing my groin with one hand, he bent my torso as far over his shoulder as he could. Excruciating hold! He started spinning me around. Faster and faster. The cage spun around. I was losing my bearings. Then he lunged for the side of the cage, ramming my body against the bars with all his massive weight CLANGGG!!! AGAIN! CLAMMMMMM!!! I shook my head to try and clear the stunning shock. CLANGGG! The bars bit my legs! CLANGGG! My torso! CLANGGG! My face! RAMMMMM! The whole cage shook. With his mammoth arms he lifted me up over his head and threw me towards Stone. I saw Stone swing and tried to twist out of the way, but he was too fast. He sent a savage blow straight up into my gut as I flew over - "Hugggghhhh!" - bringing me crumpling down on the mat. Groggy I raised to my feet. Stone and Bull started to circle me, getting closer and closer. They were both smiling at the punishment they had inflicted and aching for more. Our groins showed it - Stone's dick throbbed against his singlet; Bull's monster cock thrust out from his loin cloth for all to see; my brief was stretched almost to ripping with my fight-hungry hard-on.

Stone swung first. I ducked and felt his deadly fist swoosh past my ears. Stone's baseball bat hit Bull square in the chin, sending his neck back. I shot my palm up into Stone's chin and drove my other fist into his gut. It was hard as steel, but I rocked him back. I sprang up like missile at Stone, sending him crashing back into the bars. I leaped again and grabbed the bars wide with both hands, spreading my legs wide and pulling myself so that all my momentum was focused into my torso and iron abs. I held on like a rock climber, like a spider, and smashed my abs and my hard-as-a-hammer cock into his face like a battering ram again and again. His head banged back into the bars. My knee went into his groin. He started wavering.

Just then Bull pulled me from behind. Stone shoved out his hands. I went backwards . But I was able to roll on my upper back. I rolled over backwards and jumped into a standing face off with Bull, his full beast erection and low slung swinging bull balls. His eyes were red with fire. I wasted no time. In a split second, I rolled to the ground under him, grabbing his balls, using the weight of my body to yank his fucking testicles harder than anyone had ever done. They were strong, but I almost tore 'em off. He screamed in raging agony and lunged over me, arms out to crush my body. I pushed up, hitting him square in the stomach with my head and lifting up with my arms. I brought him up over my head upside down in a full arc and threw him crashing down on his back. I fell back on top of him, using my wide back to smash down on his face. I had no energy for a slow take-down. I had to be quick and brutal. I spun and drove my elbow into his neck. Lying beside him on the ground, I pounded my elbow into his muscled neck, beating the air out of his windpipe. Stone reached down to stop my arm, but I sent one last pile driver into his throat. His massive body jerked, and then went still. His huge cock remained straight up.

Stone lunged to grab me. I ducked under him and came up with my back against his. Before he could move, I locked my arms under his and lifted him up back-to-back in a crucifying back breaker. Even though he was taller, I leaned forward bending him convexed, lifting his feet off the ground. He yelled "Arrrrrggggghhhh!", twisted and pushed with his massive arms, but I locked myself on my feet and stood firm. I was a human torture rack! I took all my enegry! I had to! Had to break him! I would not be beaten! I bore his weight, all the heavier with fighting rage. He tried to slam his body against mine to make me give. I bent him back harder. He kicked my legs with his feet. I staggered for a moment, but that was just enough for his feet to land on the ground. He struggled to get leverage. I pushed with all my might, yanking back on him, but he was too heavy. The brutal fight had weakened me. Stone's legs locked on the floor, and I felt myself being lifted backwards on his massive frame, spine bending in agony over his. "Haaaaaahhhhh!" he bellowed and arched me back off my feet. He leaned forward. "Huuuuuurrrrrrhhhh!" I breathed in teeth-clenched pain, not giving him the pleasure of knowing he was breaking my back. He lurched his body even further forward. "UggggghhhhhhhhhHHHH!" I yelled. It was excruciating! He held me there for what seemed like an eternity of hell. Then, he let go, and I started to drop to my feet.

Fast as a tiger, he spun and grabbed me around the waist in a bear hug. My front to his front. We were eye-to-eye, staring at each other with an intensity that comes from knowing only one of us is going to come out of this cage conscious or whole. His grip was like death. I struck, whipping my fists over my head, smashing him in the face - "UUUUUHHHH!" His grip loosened. I twisted out. With one swipe he grabbed at me, catching only my brief. As I spun out of the way it ripped off, and I stood naked in front of him with my cock raging hard.

Stone took his hand and tore his singlet totally off. "Arrrrrrrrhhhhhh!" he yelled, and threw it on the mat. He stood there, green eyes flaring, neck muscles corded like steel, naked goregous body heaving and shining with sweat. Our erections pointed at each other like swords. His was huge with blood-pumped veins. I could almost see his balls swelling up with fight hormones. "Now, ab man, just you and me! And I'm takin' off the gloves!" he spit.

He attacked bellowing like a wild animal. I charged with a yell and all the energy I had left in my bruised body. My fist slammed his gut muscles -- Thuddddd! He swung at my head. I ducked. His fist smashed my cock against my abs! I cracked his chin, brought him pain. My side exploded from his kidney punch. My elbow in his nose! My knee in his groin! His knuckles in my face! My right in the base of his cock! My left in his jaw! His right in my gut! His left in my face! My right in his gut! My left into his cheek! His leg kick! I bent down smashing my fist into his punching bag balls! He yelled in agony and drove his fists into the back of my head, pushing it down into his fast upcoming knee. Crammm! Pain shot through my chin. My head whipped back. He kicked me straight up into my nuts! field goal kick! "HHHHaaarrrrrggghhh!" Crack! An uppercut to my chin! Crack! A left across my cheek! I flew backwards. Wwaabammmmm! He kicked my balls again. Pain shot through my groin - "FUUUUCKKKKKKKK!!!" I went down on my back. He stamped down hard on my abs with his foot. "Uuuuuuuuhhhh!" My wind went. I struggled to get up. He stamped again! This time his foot went deeper! Something snapped! I felt my ab wall break. "AAAAAARRRRHHHH!" Gut pain met groin pain. Sickening pain over my whole body. I gasped for air, trying to hold onto light. "Teach you a lesson, punk!" Crunchhhh! His boot stamped down again on my abs. "Don't..." Crunchhhhh! "UUUUUUHHHHHHH!" "fuck..." Brammmmm! "GAAAAAAAAA!" "with me..." Wrammmmmm! "HUUUUUHHHHHH!" I choked, trying to fight back. But I had taken too much punishment!

He grabbed my hair and pulled up. To keep from getting scalped I rose to my feet. Holding me up by my hair, he took his fist and - Crack! - slammed it into my chin. Crackkk!!! Fist into my jaw again! Knuckles shot by muscle cannons. Crackkkk!!! Lights flashed! Sweat and spit flew! I tasted blood. He drew his fist back. It was covered with red. Before I could swing to punch him back I felt it -SLAM! "HUUUGGGGGHHH!" - vicious fist into my battered gut. BAMMMM! "HUUUUUHHHH!" Abs collapsing. Armor breaking. I wavered on my feet. For the first time I felt like I was losing it. I'd been too cocky. He was too strong! He was beating me! SLAMMM! Reality hit my gut in the form of his brutal fist! WHAMMMM! "HUUUUCCHH!" So this is what it feels like. BAMMMM! "HUUUUGGGGHH!" To feel your stomach muscles turn to shrapnel. CRAMMMMM! "HUURRRGHHHHH!" To feel a fist explode inside your body. RAMMMM! "KKKKKAAAAAAHHHHH!". To suffocate with your mouth wide open. WHAMMM! "HAAAAAGGHHH!" To feel what others felt when I beat them. BAMMMMM! "FFFUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!"

CRAMMM!!! I doubled forward. Stone lifted me up in a bear hug with my front to his front, his thick forearms crushing my battered waist. He growled like a lion. I felt the hard ridges of his abs and the heaving force of his pecs as he tried to pulverize my ribs. I felt the steel-hard shaft of his cock against my groin. Even through my pain I felt my dick stiffening. He looked me in the eye with sex rage.

"Yeah! You like that?" You want that?" he said snarling. "Fuck you!" I said.

"No... FUCK YOU!" he yelled, lifting me up and, using all my weight, thrusting me down onto his shaft. His powerful cock drove itself into my asshole like a spike, ripping through the rings of my sphincter, my tight, no-man-fucks-me sphincter. "YAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" I yelled as his massive arms almost broke my ribs and his massive cock impaled my guts. He started thrusting his cock deeper into my body while tightening his grip. What should have been great pleasure was searing, body-wracking pain. He groaned an intense groan, part pleasure, part animal rage. His red hot eyes bore deep into mine. "Yeah, ab man! Fuckin' ab man! Fuck your abs! You're going down!"

He reached down with vice-like fingers grabbing my groin - CRUNCH! - balls almost crushed! His other hand gripped my neck. He lifted me up, tearing me off his cock. It felt like my ass was pulled inside out as it left his fuck sword. Roaring like Hercules he lifted me up over his head. He held me there, my limp body facing upwards, for moments that felt like an eternity. I knew what was going to come; I was too weak to stop it.

"You're fucking 'meat'!" he said, as he dropped me down with killing force. Kneeling in one swift move, he thrust out his knee, slamming my back into it, bending me in half - BWAMMMM! "HHHHUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!" NO AIR! Back almost broken; gut raw and beaten; ass on fire. He instantly sent his fist down like a shotgun into my stomach. My body doubled in. He hit AGAIN! Then he grabbed my abs in devastating two-hand claw hold. His fingers ripped under my stomach muscles. "KKKEEEEAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" I yelled from pain like I had never felt! My teeth gnashed together. I couldn't fight. He was fucking destroying me. All his muscles were exaggerated. Veins in his arms close to bursting. He was breathing close to orgasm. His huge fuck muscle throbbed next to my face as he pressed down harder and harder on my gut. It was like a shiny hot piston, oozing with pre-cum. It swelled bigger with each crush of his fingers into my abs.

"Say goodnight, fucker!" he breathed. I tried to reach up and strike him, but he caught my fist in his hammer-lock grip - Whap! - and held it hard. Through a haze I saw him lift up his other huge vein-pumped arm. His fingers curled into a fist. I saw his knuckles careen towards my face. SMMAASSHHH! "GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" PAIN shot through my head! I tried to hold onto consciousness. He threw my hand aside and brought both fists up over his head.

They came down together, blasting my face and abs at the same time! WWHHABAMMM!!! My nose cracked in! His fist crashed through my unraveled stomach muscles! A SPLIT SECOND OF BLINDING LIGHT AND PAIN - SUCKING ME DOWN A HOLE OF AGONY! Not even enough energy to scream out! I heard Stone yell in orgasm. His hot cum spat into my face! Everything went black...

"Yeaaaaaahhhhh!" he yelled in victory. Had I been conscious I would have seen him standing over me in all his naked muscle-pumped glory with his arms up over his head, cock dripping with man juice. He leaned down and lifted up my limp, battered body. He held me standing up in front of him like a ventriloquist's dummy, one arm around my neck. My head drooped to one side, dripping with blood and Stone's cum. He ran his other hand across my face, greasing it with blood and seed. Then he reached down, grabbed my cock and started stroking it, beating it till it grew hard and the cock head swelled red, till my whole body began jerking, till my muscles tightened and my balls contracted in their sack. My body stiffened. I breathed an unconscious "Huuuuuuhhh" and shot a fountain of cum high up into the air and onto the cage floor - cum mixed with drops of blood! Had I been awake it would have been an incredible mix of pain and pleasure.

"I've won." he said, letting go of my dick, still holding me up. "I drained him, beat him, fucked him and milked him like a calf!" He raised the hand that jerked me off and made it into a fist. "He's mine!" he bellowed. And, by law, I was.

Stone keeps me in a cage now, nearly naked, wearing only a loin cloth. My wounds have healed with treatment, rest and exercise. Lots of exercise. He lets me work out as much as I want, training for the day I'll regain my alpha status. And I will... I've gotten stronger, put on over 25 more pounds of muscle. My balls have healed, stronger than ever. My abs are harder and tougher than ever from constant training and constant beatings. I take them. I welcome them. I can take more than even I thought possible. I'm incredibly strong. He wants me that way. He and his friends want a good fight. And I give it to them. Whenever they want, I'm here... just step into my cage and take me on... I'm ready...

Story by AnonymousLA@aol

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