Episode Three

Med Center
10:30 am

It had been several hours since the hostage situation began, and nothing had really changed except that now Drew and Lily were also being held. The hospital was short staffed, so no one had yet noticed that something was wrong.

"I'm going to have a very long talk with the hospital board about security after this," Lily said.

"Shut up!" the man with the gun replied, waving his gun at her. "Just shut the hell up all ready!"

Just then, a nurse started to walk in and stopped as she saw the gun. The man holding it was facing the opposite direction, so he didn't see her, but Lily did.

"Run! Get the cops!" Lily screamed.

The gunman turned and tok a shot, but the nurse had already managed to get out of the room and behind a wall. The gunman turned back, furious and raised his gun. "That is it!" he yelled as he aimed and fired.

Sarah screamed as she saw her friend's blood splatter all over the wall. "Lily!"

The gunman turned to her, holding up his gun. "Shut up, and go back to work on my partner, or you're next."

Sarah stared at Lily's body for another moment before turning and going back to work.

Though he knew it was useless, Drew checked Lily's pulse, the pulled a sheet off a shelf and covered her body. "Bastard," he whispered in the direction of the gunman.


Heaven Falls Police Department

"We've got a hostage situation at Med Center!" Police Commisioner Malcolm York called out. "Shots fired and at least one person is injured, maybe dead."

Mike cursed and stood, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair. "Do we know who the injury is?"

Malcolm shook his head. "Not yet. Why?"

"Julian's wife, Sarah, was working today."

Malcolm shook his head sadly. "I hope it's not her. And if it is, you're telling him."


Reed-Roberts Home

Julian Roberts was working out in the small basement gym with the radio on. He didn't do any specific excercises, just whatever worked well with the beat of the music that was currently on. If it was a slower song, he did tai-chi, a faster song and he did kickboxing. His long dreads were pulled back from his face and secured, but they still shifted as he moved.

He finished his workout and put a towel around his neck. As he reached to shut off the radio a news cast broke into the music.

"We've just learned that the police have been dispatched to Heaven Falls Medical Center where shots have been fired. At least one woman, a hospital employee, is reportedly dead, and 2 other employees are being held hostage. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available." The news cast ended and music came back on, but Julian was already running upstairs and grabbing his keys.


Bowen Apartment

Jamie stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the fogged up bathroom mirror and wiped it clear. He stopped as he saw his wrist, which had a bruise on it. He quickly lowered his arm and stared at his face.

"Nothing happened," he whispered to his reflection. He smiled. "Nothing happened last night. Nothing at all," he repeated, making it into a mantra. He licked his lips and after a moment noticed the purple bruise on his left temple. After that it was harder to keep repeating it. "Nothing happened," he said as his eyes started to water. "Nothing happened. Nothing. Happened."

He gave up as the tears started trailing down his cheks and turned away from the mirror. He quickly pulled on the sweatpants and sweatshirt he had brought into the bathroom with him. He picked up his discarded clothing and walked into the kitchen, where he grabbed a garbage bag. He shoved the clothes into it, hesitating as he once again saw the blood on his jeans. Then he closed the bag and took it with him into his room. He opened the antique wood trunk that sat at the foot of his bed and hid the bag under an old quilt. Then he shut the lid and walked back into the living room.

He spotted the blinking light on the answering machine and hit the play button. He smiled slightly as he heard first his dad's voice reminding him to eat a good breakfast and that asking Jamie to meet him at Virginia's Diner for lunch. Then Jamie laughed as he heard Maria's scolding voice. He glanced at the clock and whinced at how late it was.

Jamie grabbed the phone and called Maria.

"Hello, Thank you for calling 'La Bodega', how can I help you?" came Diego's voice.

"Hey, Diego," Jamie replied. "How mad is Maria?"

Diego laghed. "She's pissed. Where are you?"

"Home. I got mugged last night, and I'm kinda out of it this morning. I didn't even realize what time it was until I heard Maria's message," Jamie said.

Diego let out a low whistle. "What, you go into some dark alley? Why weren't Laura and David watching you?"

"I'm not five years-old," Jamie replied, irritated. "I don't need a babysitter."

"Hey, I was just joking, kid."

"Kid?" Jamie said with a laugh. "Oh yeah, and you're so much older and more mature than me at your ripe old age of 18!"

Diego laughed. "Yuk it up, kid. Maria wants to talk to you."

Jamie grimaced as Maria came on the line and started scolding him for being late. He repeated his mugging story, and listened while she asked if he was okay. "Just a little knocked around, no big deal. I'll be fine."

"You sure? I can come over and we can watch a movie or something," Maria said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. besides, I'm suppose to meet my dad at Virginia's in about an hour for lunch," Jamie replied.

"All right, but if you change your mind, give me a call. You got that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get you. Give you a call if I change my mind."

"And call me tonight so I know whether Mike's gonna give you a ride to school tomorrow or if Diego and I need to pick you up on our way."

"You got it, babes."

"Don't call me babes."

"Sorry. You got it incredibly intelligent young woman," Jamie corrected himself with a laugh.

"Much better," Maria replied. "Talk to you later, Amigo."

"Yeah, Amiga." Jamie hung up the phone and eased himself down onto the couch. he grabbed the remote, deciding to check what was on until he had to get dressed to go meet his dad.

The first thing he saw was a report about the situation at the hospital. *I hope Aunt Sarah's okay,* he thought. He had known Sarah and Julian since he was 7 years old, and considered them a surrogate family.

End Of Episode Three