Internal Assessment
Your Internal Assessment (experimental study) will be broken down into the following stages. Each stage is worth the indicated number of points toward your final marks at Harriton. Most of the forms you will need to complete this task are located at the rear of this document. They will also be posted on the website for IB Internal Assessment.
Topic Selection - 10pts. Due by December 13, 2002
Fill out the small topic selection sheet. Be sure to include the name of your partner if you have one.
Research Proposal - 25 pts. Due by January 7, 2003
A more detailed sheet that outlines your aim, provisional hypotheses, variables, ethical considerations and methods.
Annotated Bibliography - 25pts. Due by January 13, 2003
A bibliography of the 3-4 main sources that you will cite in your Introduction. These must help you build your argument for your hypothesis. After each entry, you annotate it. That means you summarize the key points of the study, how you will use this information in your argument, and evaluation of the methods.
Ethics Committee Review and Approval - 10pts Due by January 17, 2003
A jury of your peers will evaluate your e=research proposal, focusing on the ethical considerations. This is the time you get feedback from an objective observer.
Introduction and Methods.... 50 pts.
Final Draft ........100pts. 
Due by February 14, 2003