Behaviorism Test Preparation Page
Terms you need to know.
The following terms are important and will in some form show up on the test.

UCS - Unconditioned Stimulus
UCR - Unconditioned Response
NS - Neutral Stimulus
CS - Conditioned Stimulus
CR - Conditioned Response
Spontaneous Recovery
Generalization aka Stimulus Generalization
Schedules of Reinforcement
partial reinforcement
continuous reinforcement

Concepts you should be familiar with.
What is learning? How do psychologist define learning?

What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?

How does classical conditioning work? Be able to explain the process from beginning to the end. (learning through extinction and beyond)

Be able to explain the elements of reinforcers and how they work.,what schedules of reinforcement are and how they differ.

In operant conditioning how does the concept of shaping fit in?

What are some of the biological constraints on conditioning?(classical or operant)
As you prepare for this test do your best to think like a psychologist who actually believes in Behaviorism. Remember for the most part the concepts are based on 'stimulus/response' and that consistancy and timeliness is critical. (contiguity) It is important that you think in terms of concepts rather than memorization of facts.