Guest Book

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Guest Book

That's all about my web. Drop me a few lines in my guest book. Thank you.

Signs that you are Americanized:

1) You drink coffee more.
2)You often eat at Mc Donald.
3)You eat less rice.
4)You kiss your boy friend or girl friend on the streets.
5)You listen to American music.
6)You prefer to go to the movies to see American movies 
than watching lengthy Hong Kong movies at home.
7)You dress like westerners.
8)Your hair styles like westerners (high light your hair, short, straight hair).
9)You speak English to all of your friends even they are Viet.
10)You like shopping.
11)You believe in God.
12)You play skating.
13)You watch football.
14)You like to party.
15)You wear bikini at the beach (for girls).
16)You talk louder.
17)You split the check at a restaurant.
18)You are less polite.
19)You are in diet.
20)And you are prejudice.