Hialeah Opa-Locka Lodge No 391
Hialeah, Florida 33011-0430
WM. Donald L. Waldron
R.W. Harry B. Futch.......................Secretary

  Hialeah Opa-Locka Lodge No. 391
(District 34)

  Meets at Hialeah Opa-Locka Temple 
       150 W. 20th Street

           Hialeah, FL 33011     
Lodge Phone: (305) 885-8225

           All mail to: P.O. Box 430       Hialeah FL 33011-0430
    Lodge opens at 7:30 p.m.

Sat., Dec. 2: Grand Masters One Day Class, our Lodge, Help!
Sat., Dec. 9: Lodge Christmas Party begins at noon.
Thurs., Dec. 14: Summons Meeting, Election Night
Mon., Dec. 25: Merry Christmas
Sat., Dec. 30: Installation of Officers, Dinner at Noon, Installation at 1:00 p.m.

Happy Holidays! Don't forget our Installation on December 30th.

Masters & Wardens Bulletin
Masters & Wardens Brothers Email Address
Information on Lodges Web Sites

Download The Bulletin

District Deputy Grand Masters

R.W. Robert Kerr .............34th Masonic District
R.W. John Borsa Jr. ...........35th MasonicDistrict

District Instructors

W. Uviel R. Morales..........34th District
W. J Wesley Hyde...............35th District

Grand Lodge of Florida

M:.W:. Louis A. King, Grand Master (Tampa)
R:.W:. Louis A. King, Deputy Grand Master (Trilby)
R:.W:. Glenn W. Phillips II, Senior Grand Warden (Umatilla)
R:.W:. James A. Durham Jr., Junior Grand Warden (Valparaiso)
M:.W:. Roy Connor Sheppard, P.G.M., Grand Secretary (Jacksonville)
M:.W:. J. Roy Crowther, P.G.M., Grand Treasurer (Jacksonville)

Lodges 34th District

34 Masonic District Web Site
Golden Glades Lodge No. 334
Hialeah Opa-Locka lodge No. 391
Clyde S. McLaren Lodge No. 395
Memorial Lodge No.28
North Shore Lodge No. 277
Village Lodge No. 315
West Dade Lodge No. 388
West Dade Lodge Downloads

Lodges 35th District

35 Masonic District Web Site
Coral Gables Lodge No 260

Hibiscus Lodge No. 275
Luz De America No. 255Coral Gables

South Miami LodgeNo. 308
Royal Palm Lodge No. 100

Grand Lodge of Florida

Masonic Links

Masonic Downloads

Download Masters & Wardens Bulletin

Get all available brothers email address below

 Masters & Wardens Brothers Email Links


Dec 2000

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2

One Day Class

3 4
7 8 9
10 11
12 13


15 16
17 18 19
20 21 22 23
24 25


26 27 28 29 30


31 Happy
New Year

"How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."


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Classical Music Hungarian Rapsody #2
Classical MusicTales Vienna Woods
Masonic Music  Dirge
Marching Music 1812 Overture

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For Additional Brothers Email Links
Masters & Wardens Email Links  

This web site is maintained  by W. David Gonzalez
David Gonzalez Dhorse7715@aol.com

Revised 12/04/ 00

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