Point Richmond Stroll

Point Richmond, California

Did you attended the Point Richmond Stroll on Thursday, May 16, 2002?  If you did, and stopped by Janice Cook's Realty, 125 W. Richmond Avenue, and had your picture taken with the race car, locate your name in the columns to below and click on it.  You will be taken to the picture of you with the race car.  Be sure to show your friends and family your picture. 


If you would like to have a copy of your picture sent to you let me know.  Send me your name and e-mail address and I will send you a copy of the picture(s) I have of you in the car.


Thank you for stopping by,

Jeff Lee & Scott Erwin

Hiboy Racing

Jessie Kittle

Harry Fricker

Sam Normington

Jake Normington

Adam Aguirre

Ariana Peterson

Alex Milton

Katie Carter

Katie Carter & Friends

Stephanie Baer

Austin Adriatice

Daniel Moe

Lici Lash-Rosenbern


Nathan Bertlett-Burgess

Angela Disney 

(Scott's Daughter & Honorary Crew Chief)

Angela Disney & Frances Duncan

Jack Wolf

Courtney Wolf

Courtney & Son (Jack) Wolf