Divorce mediators

So, for the benefit of those currently going through the divorce process, here's my list of top ten mistakes and oversights related to the children. divorce mediators North carolina alimony laws. 1. No Specific Parenting Schedule (liberal and frequent visitation clause). 2. divorce mediators Ct alimony law. No Provision of Access to or Sharing of Medical and School Records (although NJ law now provides for this). 3. No Provision for Discussion Prior to any Geographic Moves. divorce mediators Texas free divorce. 4. No Provision for Domestic and/or Overseas Travel and Travel Restrictions. 5. No Provision for Future Elective Medical Procedures Such as Orthodontia. 6. No Provision for Potential Impact of Loss of Employment or Disability. 7. No Provision on Method to Handle Future Disputes and Expenses. 8. No Provision for a Periodic Review of Child Support Amount. 9. No Provision for Changing Parenting Time Schedules with the Age of the Child. 10. No Provision for or Discussion of Future College Choice and Costs. Without going into details on each of the points, let me address the first point, because this is far and away the biggest problem for the courts. At the time of the divorce, one or both parents state that they don't need a schedule - they can work the schedule out and both parents are free to see the children anytime they want. This doesn't give the children much assurance. Most children need the security of knowing where they are going to be and with whom. Holidays become complete chaos with both parties wanting the children at the same time. Sometimes, the parenting schedule breaks down completely when the first of the parties starts dating. So, do yourself, your ex-spouse and your children a favor.

Divorce mediators

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