Alabama divorce laws

How you label the arrangement is not important. alabama divorce laws Fathers custody of children. You do not have to use the words "custody" and "visitation. " The most important thing is that you negotiate a parenting agreement that realistically reflects your strengths and needs and the needs of your children. If you can negotiate such an agreement and are able to live by it and be committed to it, the court will accept it with open arms. alabama divorce laws Child support florida. Judges do not like making decisions about your children and prefer that you can make them. THREE CONCEPTS YOU NEED TO UNDERSTANDSOLE CUSTODY: This refers to a custody arrangement in which one parent, the sole custodian parent, is essentially in charge of the child. Typically, the child live with that parent full time, except when visiting the other parent. alabama divorce laws Dirty divorce tricks. The sole custodial parent has the exclusive right to make important decisions about the child and is the only legal guardian of the child. JOINT CUSTODY: This concept became popular in the late 1970's and most states now recognize it. Joint custody means that neither parent is the sole custodial parent. Custody is literally with both parents. In a genuine joint custody arrangement, both parents share equally, parental rights and responsibilities. The children alternate their residence between mother and father according to a negotiated schedule, and both parents concur on important decisions. SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: This term is used by statute in some states to replace the term custody. The term is broad enough to include quite a variety of arrangements. Thus, t refers to any degree of shard parental responsibility. It expresses a desirable objective, that parenting should continue by both parents. Be aware that shared parental responsibility also means that specifics must be spelled out in detail as to who is responsible for what. The court serves as the parent of last resort. Generally the court never interferes when parents agree. However, if the parents cannot agree on basic custody and visitation arrangements, the curt will decide.

Alabama divorce laws

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