Tribal Warrior and Totem Warrior OCCs

New variants for Rifts New Guinea
Adapted from Rifts World Book 15: Spirit West

Peoples that share similar habitats tend to develop similar beliefs and customs. This is one of the prime theories of sociology, and one that has been proven over and over again. The Native American tribes have beliefs similar to those of the South American tribes, who are similar to the Polynesian tribes, and so on. Thus it comes as little surprise that the native peoples of New Guinea developed the idea that animals and humans are brethren in spirit. This idea led over an unknown period of time to a spiritual system almost identical to that of the Native Americans' "totemism."

There are a vast number of tribes in New Guinea, far too many to list here. The most important and powerful tribe in the world of Rifts, the Sepics, has already been dealt with. The minor tribes are "minor" only in terms of land area and political power; since the Sepics are concerned only with their Hunt, the minor tribes are left to vie against each other. Some have the remnants of the Golden Age's weapons and technology on their side, while others have rediscovered the powers of magic and mind. Among these latter individuals, Tribal Warriors and Totem Warriors are the most important faction.

Unlike the North American tribes, not every individual member of a tribe has a totem. Only the most important and strongest are granted totems through rituals that vary from tribe to tribe. (The Sepics are all considered to be a type of totem warrior, but their long association with Crocodile has made them more powerful and restricted that totem to their tribe alone.) The most common method of bonding with a totem is through ritual tattooing, a process which imprints the character's body with a pattern representing their chosen totem (and makes them fairly easy to spot; the tattoos are also an indication of one's position in society).

Also unlike Native American tribes, fetishes are completely unknown; the process of making spiritually charged items is unique to the North American continent. The only other people known to do anything even resembling fetish making are the sea-faring Polynesians who occasionally visit New Guinea in their enchanted long boats. (This process taps a primal energy called mana, and will be dealt with in a later conversion.)

Tribal Warriors are highly respected men and women who are the staunch defenders of their tribe. It is this group that leads raids on other tribes, and defends their own village when other tribes attack. Lesser warriors hunt animals; Tribal Warriors hunt men. Every Tribal Warrior has a totem which grants him or her special bonuses which remain with the character until death breaks the bond.

Totem Warriors, on the other hand, are the defenders not of a single tribe, but of the entire land. Tribal Warriors hunt men, but Totem Warriors hunt the monsters that hunt men. Totem Warrior are almost nobility among the tribes of New Guinea; they are given the best accomodations (after the tribal chieftain and priest, of course), any help they might require, and are unhindered by tribal boundaries. Totem Warriors are almost a tribe unto themselves, but are still bound to their original tribes by ties of family and history.

Note that while each Tribal and Totem Warrior has a totem, they are still bound by the customs and mores of their tribes. Each individual tribe has its own totem spirit (although many tribes claim the same totem spirit as their own), and warriors are expected to choose their tribe's spirit as their own. Those who do not are mistrusted by their tribe, but are allowed to stay so long as they do not act against the tribe. Those that pick a totem radically opposed to their tribe's totem (for example, picking Python in a tribe whose totem is traditionally Bird of Paradise) will cause the warrior to be outcast. This is not such a bad thing for Totem Warriors (their brotherhood is almost a separate tribe to begin with), but can be shattering for "mere" Tribal Warriors, who often die of loneliness or turn cruel and desire vengeance.

Tribal Warrior OCC (New Guinea)

Alignment: Any, but selfish alignments are the rarest.
Attribute Requirements: IQ 9; PE 10. A high PS and Spd are helpful but not required.

OCC Abilities:

  1. Animal Totem: The Tribal Warrior may pick one animal totem from those available to New Guinea natives and apply the specific bonuses of that totem. While these warriors live mainly by their skills and wits, the little edge that Lizard (or whoever) gives can mean the difference between life and death. These bonuses remain with the character for his entire life, unless he somehow greatly offends his spirit animal, in which case all bonuses are lost permanently. The totem also shapes the character's personality.

  2. Favored Weapon: Most tribespeople of New Guinea prefer a specific weapon, one which their tribe is best known for. This can be the spear, blowgun, hand/throwing axe, net, club, knife, or bow. "Favored" weapons will be decorated in the colors and patterns of the character's tribe, and the character receives special bonuses when using that weapon. When using the favored weapon, a special initiative bonus of +1, with an additional +1 per two points of PP above 16 (maximum PP 30, for a maximum bonus of +8), applies to every round of combat the weapon is used. The range of thrown/projectile weapons increases by 25%, rounded up (ex: a blowgun has a range of 50 feet; the new range is 63 feet). Using a one-handed weapon, the character can instead opt to wield two of them simultaneously, without penalty (using the standard paired weapons rules).

  3. OCC Bonuses: +2 PE; +1 PP; +5D6 SDC (in addition to the 1D4x10 for being a warrior class); +2 to initiative; +2 to pull punch; +1 to roll with punch; +1 attack per melee; +3 vs. horror factor

OCC Skills:
Language: Native (98%) (Note: Every tribe has its own language, which can be understood by any other tribe at a proficiency of only 25% +1% per level)
Language: American (+10%) (Note: This is the trade tongue of New Guinea)
Language: three tribal tongues of choice (+10%)
Basic Math (+5%)
Fishing (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+5%)
Track Animals (+10%)
Track Humanoids (+20%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
Skin and Prepare Animals Hides (+5%)
Identify Plants and Fruits (+5%)
Climbing (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Swim (+15%)
WP Archery and Targeting
WP: favored weapon
WP: one of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Basic may be changed to Expert at the cost of one "other" skill

OCC Related Skills: Select eight other skills, but at least three must be Physical and one Wilderness. Add three additional skills at level three, two at level seven, and one each at levels eleven and thirteen.
Communications: None
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Any except Forgery and Sniper (+10%)
Mechanical: None
Medical: Holistic Medicine only
Military: Any except Demolitions skills, Parachuting, and NBCW (+10%)
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable)
Pilot: Horsemanship, Horsemanship: Exotic, Sail Boat, and Row Boat (+5%) only
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking (+5%)
Science: Astronomy only
Technical: Art, Language, Literacy: American (-10%), and Lores only (+10%)
WP: Any ancient
Wilderness: Any (+15%)

Secondary Skills: Select four secondary skills from the above list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses.

Equipment: Two sets of clothes; three weapons of choice; fishing hooks and cord; two medium-sized sacks; game traps; blanket; waterskin; rope (50 feet); dried meat and fruit (rations for two weeks). Otherwise, Tribal Warriors carry very little in the way of possessions.

Money: New Guinea tribes do not use money. The few tribes that interact without violence do so through the barter system. Any given warrior will have 2D6x10 credits in tradable goods.

Cybernetics: Most areas have never seen them, and those that have regard them as an abomination.

XP: Use the Tribal Warrior experience table (from Spirit West)

Totem Warrior OCC (New Guinea)

Alignment: Any, but selfish is extremely rare, and Miscreant and Diabolic are virtually unknown.
Attribute Requirements: IQ and ME 9 or higher. High physical attributes are helpful but not necessary.

OCC Abilities:

  1. Supernatural Attributes: In both human and animal form, the Totem Warrior's physical attributes are considered supernatural. The supernatural strength permits him to inflict mega-damage with punches and kicks (as detailed in Rifts Conversion Book One). The supernatural endurance changes the warrior into a mega-damage being; simply change the combined SDC and hit points into MDC. Even in human form, the warrior is a mega-damage being and recovers 5D6 MDC per 24 hours.

  2. Heightened Senses: The Totem Warrior's sense are hyper-sensitive to the world around him. This contributes to the OCC bonuses listed below as well as giving the character perfect vision and keen senses of touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

  3. Animal Totem: All Totem Warriors must pick a single animal totem, whose bonuses stay with the character until death. All the bonuses and totem skills are available to the character in human form. However, when the character transforms into giant animal form, he gets the powers of that totem as well. Only Totem Warriors can draw upon these powers. Most Totem Warriors pick medium to large predatory animals.

  4. Animal Transformation: This is the ability of the Totem Warrior to physically transform into his totem animal's species. There are two versions of this transformation. The first is turning into a perfectly normal looking animal of the totem's species. In this shape, all of the totem bonuses and skills, as well as his own intellect remain; this form is still a mega-damage creature.
    The second transformation is the warrior's most potent and formidable weapon: turning into a giant version of his animal form. Most medium and large animals are now two to three times their normal size, while small ones are ten times larger. In this oversized form, the warrior gains all of the totem powers associated with his animal spirit.
    To transform into either form, or from the small form to the large form, costs 10 PPE. The duration is indefinite. To transform from animal to human form, or large animal to small, costs 5 PPE.

  5. Psionic Abilities: When in animal form, the character may sense psychic and magic energy, and sense supernatural beings at no cost (identical to the powers of the Dog Boy RCC). In addition, the character may select one psionic power from the sensitive category at first level, and one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Astral projection and clairvoyance may not be selected.
    ISP: ME attribute plus 1D6 per level of experience.

  6. Limited Magic: Kinship with an animal spirit grants the Totem Warrior some magical abilities over normal animals. These include the equivalent of the following spells: Fear (5 PPE); repel animals (7 PPE); summon and control animals (only animals of the same species as the warrior's totem; 1D4 animals per level; 50 PPE). The warrior also uses PPE to transform to and from his animal forms in a manner similar to casting a spell. (However, the warrior has no real knowledge of spell casting or ritual magic.)
    PPE: PE attribute plus 1D4x10, plus 10 per level of experience.

OCC Skills:
Language: Native (98%)
Language: American (+15%)
Language: three tribal tongues of choice (+10%)
Basic Math (+10%)
Tracking (+15%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Climbing (+15%)
Swimming (+10%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters (+15%)
Lore: Animals (+5%)
WP Archery and Targeting
WP Knife
WP: two of choice
Hand to Hand: Expert (cannot be changed)

OCC Related Skills: Select six other skills, plus two additional skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Communications: None
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Any except Forgery and Sniper (+10%)
Mechanical: None
Medical: Holistic Medicine only (+5%)
Military: Any except Demolitions skills, Parachuting, and NBCW (+10%)
Physcial: Any (+10% where applicable)
Pilot: Horsemanship, Horsemanship: Exotic, Sail Boat, and Row Boat only
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking (+5%)
Science: Astronomy only
Technical: Art, Language, Literacy: American, and Lores only (+10%)
WP: Any ancient
Wilderness: Any (+15%)

Secondary Skills: Select five secondary skills from the above list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses.

Equipment: Two sets of clothes; three weapons of choice; fishing hooks and cord; two medium-sized sacks; game traps; blanket; waterskin; rope (50 feet); dried meat and fruit (rations for two weeks). Otherwise, Totem Warriors carry very little in the way of possessions.

Money: New Guinea tribes do not use money. The few tribes that interact without violence do so through the barter system. Any given warrior will have 2D6x10 credits in tradable goods.

Cybernetics: Most areas have never seen them, and those that have regard them as an abomination.

XP: Use the Totem Warrior experience table (from Spirit West)

Totems New and Old

Totems from World Book 15: Spirit West which are acceptable in the New Guinea setting are as follows: Bat; Crawfish/Crayfish; Dolphin; Eagle; Hawk/Falcon; Horse (not native to New Guinea, but brought there before the Cataclysm); Hummingbird; Opossum; Seal; Shark; Snake (also called Python); Turtle; Whale. Alligator/Crocodile does inhabit New Guinea, but he is the sole totem of the Sepic tribe who have developed special powers from their long association with him. New totems for New Guinea are listed below.

Bird of Paradise

Traits: Bird of Paradise is the beautiful child of air, daughter of the rainbow. She is collected and regal, as well as being a bit vain. While lacking the formidable weapons of her cousin Eagle or the speed of Hawk, she is graceful and mostly unoffending, attracting few enemies. The only exception is Python, whom she hates with a vengeance; her children and his have been fighting since the dawn of time. Bird of Paradise is rarely sad and never depressed. Her light heart and good humor bring happiness to all those around her.
Skills: Seduction (+15%); cooking (+5%); identify plants and fruits (+5%)
Bonuses: +3 MA; +1 PP; +3 PB; +1 Spd; +2 vs. mind control and horror factor
Powers: +1 PS; +2 PP; +2 to dodge in flight; +3 vs. magic and psionics. Beak attack does 1D4 MD, claws add +2 MD to supernatural PS, and can fly at up to 45 mph. Bird of Paradise also grants the unique ability of "rainbow dancing"; this power allows the totem warrior to emit bright light (equalling 60 watts, plus 5 watts per level; can be any color) or to bend light around herself (lasers are automatically deflected; no damage).


Traits: Cassowary is a flightless bird with great strength and a terrible temper. Cassowary has the unfortunate tendency to attck anyone who violates his territory, but is gentle and loyal to family and friends. He is not stupid but has little grasp of strategy or tactics, preferring to "attack now, and ask questions never." Cassowary is also not specifically bloodthirsty or cruel; when he feels killing is necessary (and he usually prefers to just run off his enemies rather than kill them) he strikes swiftly, going for a quick, clean kill.
Skills: Running; climbing (+10%); wilderness survival (+20%)
Bonuses: +1 ME; +1 PS; +3 PE; +2 to initiative; +2 to strike; +3 vs. horror factor
Powers: +3 PS; +2 to strike, parry, and dodge. Immune to possession and mind control; double running speed, and can run at triple normal speed for up to one minute out of every five; beak attack does 1 MD; kick attack adds 3D6 MD to supernatural strength; power kick doubles supernatural strength damage but counts as two attacks.

Tree Kangaroo

Traits: Tree Kangaroo is smaller than his land-bound cousins, but no less powerful and agile. His climbing ability and powerful kicks more than offset the disadvantages of his small size. Nevertheless, Tree Kangaroo avoids conflict whenever possible; he is the mediator, the diplomat. He is not a coward but despises violence, fighting only as a last result and even then only reluctantly. Tree Kangaroo is a firm believer in the better nature of all things, human and animal; not even predators and hunters are seen as evil--it's just their nature.
Skills: Climbing (88%); gymnastics (+15%); acrobatics (+5%)
Bonuses: +1 MA; +3 PP; +1 PE; +1 Spd; can jump 10 feet high or lengthwise from a standing start (double from a running start), plus the jumping distance of acrobatics and gymnastics.
Powers: +1 MA; +2 PP; +3 Spd; +1 vs psionics. Bite does 1D4 MD; kick attack inflicts 3D6 MD plus supernatural strength; power kick does double supernatural strength damage but counts as two attacks.


Traits: Lizard is the epitome of reptile-kind and the animal most people associate with those cold-blooded creatures. This is unfortunate, because not all reptiles are sneaky, underhanded, and lazy like Lizard. Lizard's primary goal is comfort; whether sunning himself on a rock or eating someone else's hard-earned lunch, Lizard cares only for himself. He cares nothing for allies or enemies, treating all with derisive scorn while secretly harboring insane jealously of more powerful beings. Lizard is primarily a thief, not a killer, but can be as deadly as a rat when backed into a corner or openly insulted. However, Lizard's revenge does not always come immediately, in the form of an attack, but can be delayed for years on end; cold-bloodedness lends patience, and patience is a virtue. The Lizard totem includes geckos, chameleons, skinks, and frilled lizards.
Skills: Pick pockets (+10%); cardsharp (+5%); streetwise; prowl (+10%)
Bonuses: +1 IQ; +2 PP; +2 Spd; +1 vs. poisons, toxins, and disease
Powers: +1 PS; +1 PP; +4 Spd; +3 to dodge (has the automatic dodge ability). Lizard does 2D6 less than normal damage for supernatural strength, but has one of two other special abilities: either the super powers of chameleon and adhesion (see Heroes Unlimited), or an enhanced regeneration ability (heals 2D6 MDC per hour with no scarring and can completely regrow lost organs and limbs in 24 hours).


Traits: Parrot is a gaudy and brightly colored fellow who thinks of himself as a master of disguise, never realizing himself to be merely a foppish imposter. Parrot is in love with the sound of his own voice, always trying to be louder than anyone else so he can command attention. He doesn't care that the attention is mostly annoyance as long as he is heard. He also tends to think that his opinion is worth more than anyone else's and can be terribly selfish. However, despite his self-centered attitude and loud mouth, Parrot is mostly harmless; he likes to be around people (so long as they listen to what he has to say), and he thinks that they just need a little bit of guidance to be everything they are capable of... namely his guidance.
Skills: Impersonation (+5%); imitate voices (+15%); disguise
Bonuses: +1 IQ; +3 MA; +2 PB; +2 to dodge; +1 vs. magic and psionics.
Powers: +2 MA; +2 PP; +3 to dodge in flight. Beak attack inflicts 1D6 MD; claws add 1D6 MD to supernatural strength damage; fly at 40 mph; immune to magic and psionic illusions and disguises.

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