Room of the Gods

"Welcome to the Room of the Gods." hisses something from behind you, but as you turn around you don't see anything. "They are the Red ones," whispers the air golem, "They keep this room. They were created by the master when he tried to create life. These are neither dead nor alive. Just ignore them if u do no harm to this room then u shall receive no harm from them."

The Gods of Good

Paladine, The Celestial Paladin

Other Names: Draco Paladin (Ergoth), Skyblade (Goodlund), E'li (Silvanesti), Thak (Thorbardin), The Great Dragon (Solamnia)

Symbols: The Silver Triangle, Pine tree (Silvanesti), Anvil (Thorbardin)

Colors: Silver, White

Sphere of Influence: Rulership and Guardianship

Many believe that the ancient hero Huma was actually Paladine in mortal form, when he drove the dragons from the land during the Age of Dreams. Paladine's constellation traditionally guards the Gate of Souls, keeping the dragons from returning to Krynn.


Other Names: Manthus (Ergoth), Mantis of the Rose (Qualinesti), Matheri (Silvanesti)

Symbols: Copper Spider, Single Rose (Qualinesti, Silvanesti), Mantis (Solamnia)

Colors: Copper, Red

Sphere of Influence: Meditation, Control, and Thought

Majere is the favored god of monks. He is said to give his followers
symbols that, when cast upon the ground, become insects that fight for
their owner.


Other Names: Corij (Ergoth), Kijo (Thorbardin), Jolith (Kharolis)

Symbols: Bison's Horns, Horned battle-axe (Thorbardin, Kharolis)

Colors: Brown, White

Sphere of Influence: War and Battle

Kiri-Jolith is a god of war, but not of battle lust. He is the favorite god
of paladins and good-aligned fighters. His constellation seems to threaten
that of the Queen of Darkness in the night sky.


Other Names: Ka-mel-sha, The Healer in the Home (Tarsis), Mesalax (Thorbardin), Meshal (Icewall), Mishas (Ergoth), Quenesti Pah (Silvanesti), Quen (Qualinesti), Skymistress (Goodlund), The Blue Lady (Balifor, Highlo)

Symbols: Blue infinity sign

Colors: Sky Blue

Sphere of Influence: Healing, Knowledge, and Fertility

Mishakal is found in nearly every known civilization of Krynn.

Habbakuk, The Fisher King

Other Names: The Blue Phoenix (Ergoth, Silvanesti, Qualinesti), Skylord (Goodlund, Balifor)

Symbols: Blue Bird, Blue Phoenix (Ergoth)

Colors: Deep Blue, and White

Sphere of Influence: All animal life and the sea

Branchala, The Bard King

Other Names: Songmaster (Goodlund), Astra (Qualinesti), Astarin (Silvanesti), Bran (Ergoth)

Symbols: Bard's Harp, Flute (Goodlund, Qualinesti, Silvanesti)

Colors: Yellow, Green

Sphere of Influence: Elves, Kender, Forests, Music

Branchala appears in the form of whatever people he is visiting. He is
considered the highest god of the elves and kender.


Other Names: Solin (Ergoth), White Eye (Goodlund, Balifor), God's Eye (Thorbardin), Ivory Disc (Highlo)

Symbols: White Circle or Sphere

Colors: White, Silver

Sphere of Influence: Good Magic

Solinari is the white moon of Krynn. The influence of good magic waxes and
wanes according to its position in the heavens.

The Gods of Neutrality


Other Names: Gilean the Book, Gray Voyager, The Sage, The Gate of Souls

Symbols: An open Book

Colors: Gray

Sphere of Influence: Knowledge

Gilean holds the book, the Tobril, which contains all the knowledge possessed
by all the gods. All truth is contained in that single tome-but portions of
it are sealed.

Sirrion, The Flowing Flame

Other Names: The Alchemist, The Firemaster

Symbols: Multi-colored Fire

Colors: Bright Reds, Yellows

Sphere of Influence: Flame

Reorx, The Forge

Other Names: None

Symbols: Forging Hammer, Dwarven Hammer (Thorbardin)

Colors: Slate Grey, Red

Sphere of Influence: Dwarves, Weapons, Technology

Humans tend to portray this god as a paunchy squire to Kiri-Jolith, but
dwarves and gnomes hold him as the highest of the gods. Reorx forged the
universe with his hammer. He also forged the Greystone of Gargath, and is
thus the father of dwarves, gnomes, and kender.


Other Names: None

Symbols: The Feather

Colors: Brown, Yellow, Green

Sphere of Influence: Nature

Chislev is nature incarnate. He/she is served by a large number of animated
wooden creatures who carry out his/her wishes in the known world.


Other Names: The World Tree, The Tree of Life (Qualinesti, Silvanesti)

Symbols: A Great Green or Gold Tree, sometimes a vallenwood

Colors: Green, Gold

Sphere of Influence: Wisdom

Zivilyn is said to exist in all times and in all lands, and possesses all
the wisdom of all the planes of existence. He is the counterpart to Gilean,
the god of knowledge.


Other Names: Winged one, Gold Master, Walking Liberty

Symbols: A Griffon's Wing

Colors: Gold, Silver, Brown

Sphere of Influence: Money, Wealth

Shinare is the favorite god of the dwarves, and is the patron god of merchants
and commerce.


Other Names: Luin (Ergoth), Red-Eye (Goodlund), Night-Candle (Thorbardin)

Symbols: Red Circle or Sphere

Colors: Red

Sphere of Influence: Neutral Magic, Illusionist Magic

All neutral magic and illusionist spells are governed by Lunitari, the red
moon. The influence of neutrality and illusion waxes and wanes with the position
of the red moon in the heavens.

The Gods of Evil

The Queen of Darkness

Other Names: Dragonqueen (Istar, Silvanesti, Ergoth), She of many Faces (Highlo), Mai-tat (Tarsis), Nilat the Corrupter (Icewall), Tamex the False Metal (Thorbardin), Takhisis (Dragon armies)

Symbols: Black Crescents

Colors: Black

Sphere of Influence: Night, Evil Dragons, Hatred

The Queen of Darkness is worshipped by the Dragon Highlords, the draconians, allied humans, and other such evil creatures.


Other Names: Argon (Istar, Ergoth), The Firebringer (Highlo), Misal-Lisam (Tarsis), Gonnas the Willfull (Icewall), Sargonax the Bender (Thorbardin), Kinthalas (Silvanesti), Kinis (Qualinesti)

Symbols: Red Condor, Red Fist

Colors: Red, Black

Sphere of Influence: Deserts, Volcanoes, Vengeance, Fire


Other Names: H'rar (Istar, Ergoth), Gormion (Tarsis), Morgi (Icewall), Morgax the Rustlord (Thorbardin)

Symbols: A Hood with two Red Eyes, Upside-down Axe (Thorbardin), Rat's Claw (Highlo)

Colors: Deep Brown, Black

Sphere of Influence: Disease, Decay, Plague

Morgion's followers meet in dark places of worship, and are very secretive
in all things. They can also start plagues and spread disease.


Other Names: Aeleth (Ergoth), Dron the Deep (Tarsis), Chemos Joton (Icewall), Khemax (Thorbardin)

Symbols: Yellow Skull

Colors: Black, Sickly Yellow

Sphere of Influence: All undead

Worshippers of Chemosh generally wear white skull masks and black robes.


Other Names: Rann (Ergoth), Zyr (Tarsis), Zebir Jotun (Icewall), Bhezomiax (Thorbardin)

Symbols: A Turtle Shell Pattern

Colors: Green, Red

Sphere of Influence: The Sea, all undead races

The name for Zeboim translates as "Sea Queen" in both Tarsis and Ergoth.
Zeboim is unknown to most dwarves races.


Other Names: None

Symbol: Broken Merchant's Scales

Colors: Red, Bone White

Sphere of Influence: Demons, Damned Souls

Hiddukel is a deal maker who trades in souls. He controls all ill-gotten wealth
in the world, which he uses to corrupt greedy men. He is the patron of evil businessmen.


Other Names: None

Symbols: Black Circle or Sphere

Colors: Black

Sphere of Influence: Black Magic

Nuitari is the black moon of Krynn. Its existence is known only to astrologers,
navigators, magic-users, and others who watch the heavens, for it is known only
when it blots out stars and planets. The influence of black magic waxes and wanes
according to its position in the heavens.