Tomb of Heroes

"This is the Tomb of Heroes. In this place we come to remember the important people from or time and others. Whether they are good or evil they are remembered here if they have greatly affected a time in our world." whispers the air golem.

Tanis Half-Elven

Tanis is the "product" of a rape. His mother, an elf, was raped by a passing by human. His mother died at birth and Tanis was raised in Qualinesti. He is the "leader" of the heroes but doubts himself. He is torn between two women, The beautiful elf, Laurana and the evil war queen, Kitiara. In the end he marries Laurana and has one child. Tanis dies when the high clerist's tower is assaulted by an evil army while trying to save the son of Sturm and Kitiara, Steel.

Raistlin Majere

Raistlin was the greatest arch mage ever to walk the land of Krynn. He was the youngest ever to take the test. From which he received the golden skin from another magus, Fistandantilus, which was to shield him from magic. Although Raistlin was frail and sickly as a boy, during the test he was attacked by Fistandantilus and became even weaker giving him a terrible cough for which he takes a special herbal tea. He died in the abyss when a tried to attack the dark god, Takhisis. He has one brother, Caramon, and a half-sister named Kitiara.

Caramon Majere

Caramon is a warrior and grew up in Solace with his brother, Raistlin. He worked on a farm while Raistlin went to a school of magic. He grows up and marries Tika, a waiter at the Inn of the last home. They have two daughters and three sons. He is big with a strong build and very strong unlike his brother. He also grows up to become a hero of the lance and after becomes an alcoholic then is saved from this pit when he has to go out to find and protect Steel Brightblade.

Sturm Brightblade

Sturm is the son of a lost Solamnic Knight. His dream is to become a Solamnic Knight, which he achieves and dies defending the high clerist's tower from Kitiara and her army when Kitiara assaults the tower and stabs Sturm with her lance when he is fighting her blue dragon, Skie. He always upheld the code of the Solamnic knights and his honor.           Est Sularis Oth Mithas.


Laurana is a Qualinesti elf whose father is the speaker of the suns. She later runs away from Qualinesti to help Tanis and his friends and they become her friends. She is later known as the Golden General and marries Tanis half-elven and has one son.


Goldmoon becomes a cleric of Mishkal after Riverwind brings the blue crystal staff as proof of the existence of gods. She is a plainswomen and was the daughter of the chief. She later marries Riverwind and has twin daughters.

Tika Waylin

Tika is a human orphan and when she was young had only one way to survive, thievery. She was taken in by Otik the local tavern owner. There she worked as a barmaid until and somewhat during the war of the lance. She marries Caramon and has five children.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot

Tas is a kender that was first introduced into the series because of his attachment to Flint Fireforge. He followed everyone and anyone and there was always someone annoyed at him because of them "dropping" their stuff. 

Flint Fireforge

Flint is the grouchy and grandfatherly dwarf that is with the "company" for most of their lives. He worked as a toy maker in Qualinesti for awhile which is where he met Tanis. He felt closer to Tanis for one reason because in certain ways they were both misfits.


Riverwind is a plainsman and proved his worth to marry Goldmoon by bringing her the blue crystal staff. They married during the war of the lance and love each other very much and had twin daughters.


She is is a cleric of Paladine. She was part of Raistlin's plan to become a god. She fell in love with him and would do anything for him, within reason. She tried to seduce Raistlin, but failed. She followed Raistlin into the Abyss thinking she was helping him do Paladine's work. When she was dying in the Abyss Raistlin turned away from her and then she realized that he had in fact been using her the whole time and. After Caramon entered the Abyss he found her and brought her make to live at the cost of her sight. She is now blind and is lead by a mysterious white tiger.


Kit is the evil half-sister of Caramon and Raistlin. She met Tanis when he "rescued" her from a fight. Tanis became one of her many lovers but probably the only one she actually had feelings for. She was killed by a former lover, Dalamar. She was then handed over to Lord Soth for he too loved her.