- Prophylactic
        o Refers to prevention, preservation, or protection


Old, worn-out, ill-fitting equipment should never be passed down to younger, less-experienced players
       ; It compounds their for injury

Football Helmets
   - Football helmets must
withstand repeated to blows that are of high mass and low velocity
   - Even high-quality helmets are of no use if not properly fitted or maintained
Fitting a football helmet
Pull down on face mask; helmet must not move
Turn helmet to position on the athlete’s head (rotate & side to side)
Push down on helmet; there must be no movement
     o Try to
rock helmet back and forth; there must be no movement
     o Check for a
snug jaw pad fit
     o Proper adjustment of the
chin strap (4-way) is necessary to ensure proper helmet fit
Two finger widths (¾ inches) above eyebrows
Three finger width (1~1½ inches) from nose
   - Ear holes should match
NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment)
     o Its certification means the helmet is passed standard, but
may fail
Ice Hockey Helmets
   - Ice hockey helmets must withstand the
high-velocity impact of a stick or puck
and the low-velocity forces from falling or hitting a sideboard
HECC (The Hocky Equipment Certification Council Inc.)
    o It sets standards to certify face masks that are used in ice hocky hemlets
Baseball Batting Helmets

Face Guards
   - Since the adoption of face guards and mouth guards for use in football,
mouth injuries have been reduced more than 50%,
      but incidence of
neck injuries has increased significantly.
   - The space between the nose and face guard must be 1 to 1½ inch

Laryngotracheal Protection
Mouth Protection

   - A properly fitted mouth guard
protects the teeth, absorbs blows to the chin, and can prevent concussion

Ear Guards

Eye Protection Devices

Lens center 3 mm thick, CR 39 plastic or polycarbonate

Contact Lenses
Eye and Glass Guards

    - Eye protection must be worn by all athletes who play sports that use fast-moving projectiles
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
     - It is responsible for setting the standards for eye protection for racquet sports

Neck Protection

Football Shoulder Pads

Cantilevered – linebackers and linemen
Flat – quarterback and ball receiver
Fitting the football shoulder pad
       o The width of the shoulder is measured to determine the proper size of pad
       o Inside shoulder pad should
cover the tip of shoulder in a direct line with the lateral aspect of the shoulder
       o Epaulets &cups should
cover deltoid muscle & allow movements required by athlete’s specific position
Neck opening must allow to raise the arm overhead but not allow the pad to slide back and forth
       o If splint-clavicle shoulder pad is used, channel for the top of the shoulder must be in the proper position

Breast Support
     - To be effective, a bra should hold the breasts
tightly to the chest
Cooper's ligaments are suspensory ligaments of breast and should be supported during exercise

    - A
flak jacket is designed to protect the thoracic area after a rib injury

Hips and Buttocks

Groin and Genitalia


    o Shoe composition
    o Sole
    o Shoe upper
    o Heel counter
    o Toe box
    o Shoe fitting
       § A properly fitted shoe will
bend where the foot bends
    o The specially soled shoe
Soccer-style short cleated shoes prevents knee injuries in collision-sport activity

Commercial Foot Pads
    - Indiscriminate use of
commercial foot orthotics may give the athlete a false sense of security

Commercial Ankle Supports
Shin and Lower Leg
Thigh and Upper Leg
Knee Supports and Protective Devices

   Knee Braces can
protect the joint from collateral ligament damage but not from cartilage damage
Prophylactic knee brace
Don’t reduce the number of knee injury
   - Neoprene knee sleeve
     o Increased heat retention and increased compression of the area
   - A
rehabilitative brace would be used postoperatively or during rehabilitation after an acute injury

Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Protection

Custom Pad and Orthotic Materials

   Soft Materials
   Nonyielding Materials
   Thermomoldable plastics
      o Heat-forming plastics of the low-temperature variety are the most popular in athletic training
      o The rules and regulations of various sport activities may place limitations in use of
rigid thermomoldable plastics (e.g. high school basketball – distal to elbow)
   Casting materials
   Tools Used for Customizing
        Adhesive tape
        Heat sources
        Shaping tools
        Fastening material
   Customized Hard-Shell Pads
   Custom Foot Orthotics
        Semisoft orthotic device
        Semirigid orthotic device
        Rigid orthotic device
   Dynamic Splints

Cutting sleeves of football jersey may predispose athlete to should injury
Shoulder wheel is used to provide flexibility and strength
Cavit is used as a temporary filling
Kenny Howard sling is used for acute shoulder separation
Closed-cell used for fabricating protective padding, provides the greatest shock absorb
Protective Sports Equipment