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Sliding Tile Puzzle
Click and drag the tiles.  Using the one open space, arrange the tiles next to the spheres according to color.
Two types of collision are used.  DBC commands make the sliding collision happen.  The cursor, however, 'collides'
with the tiles by using a variation of the box_collision
function explained by
Emperor Baal
` Sliding Blocks Final
` Author: Hop A Long
` Uses DBC Sliding Collision and a variation of
` Emperor Baal's Box Collision
` August 6, 2004

`*****SET UP*****
   Sync On     : Sync Rate 40
   Autocam Off : Hide Mouse

`  *****THE BOXES************
   ` An Array of Coordinates
   Dim HotSpots#(4)
   hot# = 15.0
   For h = 1 To 4
      HotSpots#(h) = hot#
      Inc hot#,10.0
   Next h
   ` The Game Tiles
   For tiles = 5 To 19
      Make Object Box tiles, 10,10,2
      If tiles >= 5 And tiles <= 8
         Color Object tiles, RGB(0,200,0)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-4),15,0
      If tiles >= 9 And tiles <= 12
         Color Object tiles, RGB(200,0,0)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-8),25,0
      If tiles >= 13 And tiles <= 14
         Color Object tiles, RGB(250,150,0)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-12),35,0
      If tiles >= 15 And tiles <= 16
         Color Object tiles, RGB(200,0,200)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-12),35,0
      If tiles >= 17 And tiles <= 18
         Color Object tiles, RGB(250,250,0)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-16),45,0
      If tiles = 19
         Color Object tiles, RGB(100,100,250)
         Position Object tiles, HotSpots#(tiles-16),45,0
      Make Object Collision Box tiles,-5,-5,-1,5,5,1,0
   Next tiles

`  *****THE ENCLOSURE********
   Make Object Box 1,60,10,2
   Position Object 1,30,55,0
   Make Object Collision Box 1,-30,-5,-1,30,5,1,0

   Make Object Sphere 30,5
   Position Object    30,5,55,-1
   Color Object       30,RGB(0,200,0)

   Make Object Sphere 31,5
   Position Object    31,25,55,-1
   Color Object       31,RGB(250,150,0)

   Make Object Sphere 32,5
   Position Object    32,35,55,-1
   Color Object       32,RGB(250,150,0)

   Make Object Sphere 33,5
   Position Object    33,55,55,-1
   Color Object       33,RGB(200,0,0)

   Make Object Box 2,10,60,2
   Position Object 2,55,30,0
   Make Object Collision Box 2,-5,-30,-1,5,30,1,0

   Make Object Sphere 34,5
   Position Object    34,55,35,-1
   Color Object       34,RGB(250,250,0)

   Make Object Sphere 35,5
   Position Object    35,55,25,-1
   Color Object       35,RGB(250,250,0)

   Make Object Box 3,60,10,2
   Position Object 3,30,5,0
   Make Object Collision Box 3,-30,-5,-1,30,5,1,0

   Make Object Sphere 36,5
   Position Object    36,55,5,-1
   Color Object       36,RGB(0,200,0)

   Make Object Sphere 37,5
   Position Object    37,35,5,-1
   Color Object       37,RGB(100,100,250)

   Make Object Sphere 38,5
   Position Object    38,5,5,-1
   Color Object       38,RGB(200,0,0)

   Make Object Box 4,10,60,2
   Position Object 4,5,30,0
   Make Object Collision Box 4,-5,-30,-1,5,30,1,0

   Make Object Sphere 39,5
   Position Object    39,5,25,-1
   Color Object       39,RGB(200,0,200)

   Make Object Sphere 40,5
   Position Object    40,5,35,-1
   Color Object       40,RGB(200,0,200)

`  *****CURSOR***************
   Make Object Sphere 20,2
   Position Object 20,30,30,-3
   Color Object 20, RGB(240,0,240)

`*****************************  MAIN LOOP ********************************

   `  *****CURSOR ROUTINE****
      ` Find the 'Cursor' : 20
      old_cx# = Object Position X(20)
      old_cy# = Object Position Y(20)
      old_cz# = Object Position Z(20)
      ` Control it with the Mouse
      mx# = MouseMoveX()* 0.05
      my# = MouseMoveY()* 0.05
      new_cx# = old_cx# + mx#
      new_cy# = old_cy# - my#
      ` Stay in the frame
      If new_cx# > 49.0 Then new_cx# = 49.0
      If new_cx# < 11.0 Then new_cx# = 11.0
      If new_cy# > 49.0 Then new_cy# = 49.0
      If new_cy# < 11.0 Then new_cy# = 11.0
      ` Move it to the New Location
      Position Object 20,new_cx#,new_cy#,old_cz#

   `  *****LOCATE A TILE, MOVE IT AND*********
   `  ********CHECK FOR COLLISION*************
      For tile = 5 To 19
         ` Consult the Box Collision Function to find
         ` the Tile Behind the Cursor
         returns = Box_Collision(20,tile)
         If returns = 1 and MouseClick() = 1
            x# = Object Position X(tile)
            y# = Object Position Y(tile)
            Text 10,160,"tile : "+str$(tile)
            Text 10,180,"collides with : "+str$(obj_id)
            temp_x# = x# + mx#
            temp_y# = y# - my#
            ` Move the Selected Tile
            Position Object tile,temp_x#,temp_y#,0
            obj_id = 0
            ` Make Sliding Collision for the
            ` Selected Tile as It Moves
            If Object Collision(tile,0)>0
               obj_id = Object Collision(tile,0)
               Dec temp_x#,get object collision x()
               Dec temp_y#,get object collision y()
            ` Make Sure the Cursor Stays With a Selected Tile When It Stops
            Position Object tile,temp_x#,temp_y#,0
            ` Save the value for the correction routine below
            test_tile = tile
            If temp_x# = x# And temp_y# = y#  Then Position Object 20,old_cx#,old_cy#,old_cz#
            If temp_x# = x# And temp_y# <> y# Then Position Object 20,old_cx#,new_cy#,old_cz#
            If temp_x# <> x# And temp_y# = y# Then Position Object 20,new_cx#,old_cy#,old_cz#
      Next tile

      ` If a tile is not placed correctly, the tile movement locks up.
      ` This routine checks for a misplacement and corrects it.
      If test_tile <> 0 And MouseClick() <> 1
         test_x# = Object Position X(test_tile)
         test_y# = Object Position Y(test_tile)
         For test = 1 To 4
            If ABS(test_x# - HotSpots#(test)) < 2.0 Then test_x# = HotSpots#(test)
            If ABS(test_y# - HotSpots#(test)) < 2.0 Then test_y# = HotSpots#(test)
         Next test
         Position Object test_tile,test_x#,test_y#,0

   `  *****CAMERA ROUTINE****
      Position Camera 30,30,-60
      Point Camera 30,30,0

   `  *****DISPLAY***********
      Center Text 320,15,"SLIDING TILE PUZZLE"
      Center Text 320,455,"Place the Tiles Next To the Spheres of the Same Color"


`******************END OF LOOP********************************************

   Function Box_Collision(nr1,nr2)

   If Object Position X(nr1)  > Object Position X(nr2) - Object Size X(nr2)/2
      If Object Position X(nr1) < Object Position X(nr2) + Object Size X(nr2)/2
         If Object Position Y(nr1)  > Object Position Y(nr2) - Object Size Y(nr2)/2
            If Object Position Y(nr1) < Object Position Y(nr2) + Object Size Y(nr2)/2
               ExitFunction 1

   EndFunction 0
For an example using only two objects colliding try:
Bare Bones Collision