Make Rock Candy A Fun Activity for Kids

You will need:
1 large heavy pan
1 metal tablespoon
1 baking pan with sides lined with foil
1 candy thermometer
3 3/4 cups of granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups Karo syrup
1 cup water
1 teaspoon of favorite candy flavoring (can be purchased at drug store)
Food coloring of choice
Powdered sugar

1. Put sugar, Karo syrup, and water into the saucepan, and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, constantly stirring with the tablespoon.

2. Bring to a boil and cook, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 310 F/154 C.

3. Remove from heat and add candy flavoring and food coloring.

4. Pour mixture onto a foil lined baking pan.

5. Immediately remove foil from baking pan by sliding the pan out from under it. Pour powder sugar into pan.

6. As mixture cools, cut with scissors and place in powder sugar.

(Please note: This activity requires boiling sugar. Please provide adult supervision.)

This makes a great gift for any time of the year!!!
Materials Needed:
* 1 cup rock or kosher salt (kosher salt will sparkle more)
* 1 cup epsom salt
1/2 cup baking soda


Mix all ingredients in an air tight container and you can add scent and color.
**One word of caution here, add scent and color one drop at a time. The mix seems to enhence the scent a lot. You can use your own perfume or scents that you buy. Use 1 drop of liquid food coloring.(Any color that you want.)Color will clump in the mixture but keep stiring til well blended. Store in air tight containers for mix will harden if allowed to absorb moisture. Lasts a long time and is an inexpensive gift to give to the ones that you care for.
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Borax Crystal Snowflake

You will need:
* string
* wide mouth pint jar
* white pipe cleaners
* blue food coloring (optional)
* boiling water (with adult help)
* borax (available at grocery stores in the laundry soap section,
as 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster - NOT Boraxo soap)
* pencil

With a little kitchen science you can create long lasting snowflakes as sparkly as the real ones. Cut a white pipe cleaner into 3 equal sections. Twist the sections together in the center so that you have a "six-sided" star shape.
Pipe cleaners and string form a snowflake base for the crystals to grow on.
If your points are not even, trim the pipe-cleaner sections to the same length. Now attach string along the outer edges to form a snowflake pattern. Attach a piece of string to the top of one of the pipe cleaners and tie the other end to a pencil (this is to hang it from). Fill a widemouth jar with boiling water. Mix borax into the water one tablespoon at a time. Use 3 tablespoons of borax per cup of water. Stir until dissolved, (don't worry if there is powder settling on the bottom of the jar). If you want you can add a little blue food coloring now to give the snowflake a bluish hue. Insert your pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the pencil is resting on the lip of the jar and the snowflake is freely suspended in the borax solution. Wait overnight and by morning the snowflake will be covered with shiny crystals. Hang in a window as a sun-catcher or use as a winter time decoration.

fun for ppl in the south like me who dont know what snow is!!!!