
2001/02 Sem 2 我其中一个科目是Business Communications, 学员在课程的指定下须要给两次的短讲。第一次的短讲,我就选择谈新谣,并呼吁同学们支持本地创作。我的教授是外国人,相信她对我的课题也不是很有兴趣。哈哈...第二次的短讲,我就选择谈“反盗版”。很巧的是“反盗版游行”就和我演讲的那天在同个星期。真的是巧合哦,因为我之前并不知道会有“反盗版游行”,是后来从报张与电视新闻中知道这消息的。而且,我在演讲前的一、两个星期就已想到我要谈的话题。

在此,就抽出几段短讲的内容与你分享... 当中我会用省略号[...]以表示我有跳过一些论点。

You might think: Heh $20 is a big sum of money for a CD. Maybe I can get a priated CD at some pasam malam stall at half the price...

But have you thought about it. Piracy is actually stealing. The priates actually make money out of something they do not own... Imagine you have done a project and another guy comes along, submit your work and claim it as his own. How would you feel? You will naturally feel betrayed, angry as your efforts are not being recognized.

Also the quality of pirated CD is not as good as the original CDs. The sound quality may be bad.... you are missing a lot on other info... of the album...

Most importantly, you are not actually supporting your favourite singers. They do not get moeny out of the sales of pirated CDs. Just imagine, if you were to do a temp job and the boss does not pay you at the end of everything, how would you feel?...

Without the income, singers may not be able to continue singing and composers cannot continue to write songs. This will hit the music industry badly and you may not hear good songs and quality production all because of music piracy....

It is rather unethical to download the whole album instead of buying the original CD. The composers and singers get nothing out of their effort. Also you are actually spending your own time and money on phonebills and electricity. So, downloading MP3s is actually not as free as you thought it is. The next time you want to download MP3s over the Internet, you should think again...

So listening to all these, what can you actually do? Well.. you can spread this "Anti piracy" message to your friends. And most importantly, you can take an important step ... to stop music piracy.

Celest Chong

Height: 173cm
Birthday: 25 December

Interests: Martial Arts, Music
Fav Animal: Rabbit

Fav Drink: Soya Bean
Fav Fruit: Mango
Fav Food: Bird's Nest

Fav Singers: Joni Mitchell,Bjork, Ella Fitzgerald, George Michael

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Peace is a music group made up of Jeff Wang [25 Taiwan], Gary Yap [24 Malaysia], Wang Deyuan [24 Singapore], Hu Wensui [20 China], Shi Bin [20 China].

"Most of the five guys boast some singing experience or formal musicial training. Gary worked the pub circuit for two years while he was in university, Wensui plays the electric guitar, and Shi Bin took formal singing and dance lessons in China. The most musically talented of the lot, Deyuan plays the keyboard and the guitar and even cut a solo album in his teens." Excerpt from the Eight Days article [Jan 24 2002].

"Take Me To An Exciting Place" a song written by Li Sisong surprisingly is a very touching song. I guess it is never the intention of the songwriter but it is difficult not to link up the meaning of the song with the Li brothers who have worked hard in the music scene, stayed on for their love of music and finally saw their hard work pay off.

Ho Yeow Sun held her conert and pulled a crowd of 10,000. The tickets to her conert were given with the purchase of her debut album "Sun with Love". Eric Ng was also seen at the concert, playing the guitar for the song he wrote for Ho Yeow Sun -"Tell Him".

(《一遍遍》© jy)