Inside Jokes
*tommorrow - Johnson was putting up on the white board "Marching band practice tommorrow", and obvious clue that he can't spell
*waitresses -
Johnson poking fun at the flutes kuz we couldn't hold our flutes parallel to the ground. Not my fault it's really annoying holding your arms way away from your body for a long period of time.
*weight room -
Johnson treatening to take us there (the weight room) so we could hold our flutes parallel to the ground.
*"Have you ever played golf?" -
Johnson asking the tubas if they played golf kuz they couldn't play their instruments very well, supposedly playing golf is like playing an instrument.
*cha-guh-guh-guh -
Johnson imitating the halt, always funnier in person.
*"You have to blow harder.....harder...." -
Johnson telling me I had to blow harder because, last year, I couldn't play my flute worth a piece of cheese
*cadence -
Maria and I sing along to the cadence.
*DJ the turtle -
my bead turtle that Maria named after Johnson, still not sure why she did. lol.
*"It's been proven!" "Oh really...." -
Kim said "it's been proven" to something Charlie said and then Johnson opened the door and he said "Oh really..." What makes this actually funny is the look on Kim's face when Johnson opened the door.
*"Hey that looks like a duck!!" "Ohmygosh! It does!" -
The whole note that was drawn on the board with a little cresendo marking.
*"It's falling!" -
I'd rather not talk about this one....
*snow angels -
It was really cold at marching band practice one day, and Maria and I were talking about how it should've snowed and then she layed down on the field and I was like "Are you making imaginary snow angels?"
*"The ref's ass is out-of-bounds?!" -
Me really saying "My friend thinks I should ask Zach out." but it was loud at the basketball game and Kim couldn't hear me.
*"What?" -
Johnson ('nuff said)
*Turtles with 6 legs -
Maria didn't know that turtles only had 4 legs, then I proceded to tell her that turtles with 6 legs look kinda like spiders.
*hamburgers -
Johnson explaining academic balance because somehow, it's like a good hamburger.
*more agitatoer -
Let's just say, we weren't playing the music right...
*"They say filing papers is very therapeutic..." -
I was in Johnson's office filing music, and that's what he told me, guess he thinks I need help...though, I can't blame him for thinking that.
*we WISH -
We obviously couldn't play "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
*trash cans -
I ran into a trash can one time at pep band
*psshhhhhh -
Anthony and I was bored one day way before pep band started and so we played with the cymbols...
*soda up the nose -
Yea, I got soda up my nose it burned and tickled at the same time...haha
*soda machines -
Nica ran into a soda machine...hehe
*gym doors -
I ran into the gym doors
*Laura's uncooked hotdog -
Reminded Maria of a penis with gonarrhea
*Robert the hot skittle -
I was bored, so I was typing all randomly to Laura...and those were the last 4 words...
*Yum! Yum! Yum! -
Johnson imitating a 32nd-grace note thing.
*golf clap -
Long story...let's just say, Mike, Heerang, and Anthony were all doing the golf clap and Johnson walked out of his office...and looked at them funny, then I laughed really hard until class ended.
*why are you being such an asshole? -
Dylan asked this to Johnson
*man-boys -
We supposedly have these in our band
*socks -
Must pay more attention to Johnson's socks...hey, he told us to!
*caress the baritone -
Johnson telling Chris to hold his Baritone correctly
*buff man look -
Tom was explaining some ski thing and then Johnson imitated it, haha