Quotes From Highlander
"I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod"
"I am Darius and you won't need that."/Band of Brothers-Duncan&Darius
"Live Highlander grow stronger fight another day."/Methos-Methos
"Same clan different vintage"/ The Gathering-Conner
"Because the alternitive is unthinkable"/Timeless-Methos
"If the FBI and the  CIA was half as good as the outfit you work for I'd sleep better at night.Or maybe I'd stay  awake and worry"/Band of Brothers-Randi McFarland
"You don't trust anyone do you?"
"I find it's safer not to make a habit out of it."/Through a Glass Darkly-Duncan&Methos
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"I'm out of here."
"No you're not you're not out of here."
"Is what she said true?"
"The times were different MacLeod.I was different the whole bloody world was different ok."

"Did you kill all those people?"

"Yes is that what you want to hear?"
"Killing was all I knew is that what you want to hear?"
"It's enough."
"No it's not enough.I killed but I didn't just kill fifty I didn't kill a hundred I killed a thousand I killed TEN thousand.And I was good at it and it wasn't for vengence, it wasn't for greed, it was because I liked it.Cassandra was nothing, her villige was nothing.Do you know who I was.I was Death....Death,Death on a horse when mother's warned their children the monster would get them that monster was me.I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night is that what you want to hear?"
"The answer is yes oh yes."

Methos and Duncan-Comes a Horseman
"I've had just about all the irony I can stand for one day"-Joe
Another century and you might have beaten me/Band of Brothers-Grayson
You're wasting  your time I haven't felt guilt since the 11th century/Till Death-Methos
You think it takes courage to do what we do?Facing another immortal knowing that only one of you will live?You try being her!!You trty living one year knowing that your time is running out.That when it comes to the final fight however much you've trained whatever tricks you have you still lose!/Methuselah's Gift-Methos
                         Season 1
I am Duncan MacLeod born four hundred years ago in the Highlands of Scotland.I am Immortal and I am not alone.For centuries we have waited for the time og the Gathering when the stroke of a sword and the fall of a head would release the power of the Quickening.In the end there can be only one-Duncan MacLeod
                      Season 2 & 3
He is Immortal.Born in the Highlands of Scotland four hundred years ago.He is not alone.There are others like him,some good some evil.For centuries he has battled the forces of darkness with holy ground his only refuge.He can not die unless you take his head and with it his power.In the end there can be only one.He is Duncan MacLeod.The Highlander-Joe Dawson
Season 4, 5 & 6
He is Duncan MacLeod the Highlander.Born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland,he is still alive.He is Immortal.For four hundred years he's been a warrior,a lover, a wanderer constanly facing other Immortals in combat to the death.The winner takes his enemy's head and with it his power. I am a watcher a secret society of men and women who observe and record but never interfere.We know the truth about Immortals in the end there can be only one,may it be Duncan MacLeod the Highlander-Joe Dawson
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