This rating system is my own opinions and do         not reflect any official or unofficial polls.

*Bad  ** Good  *** Very Good   **** Excellent
          Season 3
Line of Fire **
The Samurai **
The Revolutionary *
The Cross of St. Antoine **
Rite of Passage ***
Courage *
The Lamb *
Obsession *
Shadows *
Blackmail **
Vendetta *
They Also Serve **
Blind Faith **
Song of the Executioner ***
Star-Crossed ****
Methos ****
Take Back the Night ***
Testimony **
Mortal Sins **
Reasonable Doubt **
Finale pt 1 ***
Finale pt 2 ****
Adrian Paul-Duncan MacLeod
Stan Kirsch-Richie Ryan
Philip Akin-Charlie DeSalvo
Lisa Howard-Anne Lindsey
Michel Modo-Maurice
Jim Byrnes-Joe Dawson