
Nancy's Sleep Advice:

My ds was the worlds worst sleeper so I did a lot of reading and tried everything. I could to get him to sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time. Now at 16 months he is a great sleeper. Even when he is sick he sleeps 10-11 straight hours at night. I would love to help you both but I need a lot more information. If you could answer these questions, then you can start working on getting you all more sleep.

Do your babies co-sleep or in a crib? Is the crib in your room or in another room?

I believe that you need to pick one or the other. If you choose to co-sleep than go all the way with it and just nurse lying down. This way, both you and your baby don't have to wake all the way. Aysha has done this very successfully with Zan. If co-sleeping is not what you want long term, than don't ever bring your baby into your bed. You will need to start weaning your baby from eating at night and then work on getting them to sleep through the night but it's critical that they have a consistent place to sleep. Going back and forth between their crib and your bed is the worst of both worlds.

Do you have a nighttime routine and an attachment object (blanket, stuffed animal, etc?)

The more consistent you can be with the time and order of the routine, the better. If you don't have an attachment object, pick one and leave it in the crib so your baby gets used to it even if they never really get attached to it.

Do you have a way to get your babies to sleep or back to sleep (other than feeding) during the night?

In order to wean, you need to be able to "stretch" your babies between feedings. It is usually easier for your husband to get your baby back to sleep by rocking or dancing than it is for you to do it.

Are your husbands willing to help?

It really helps if they are willing to get up and rock your baby back to sleep as you are trying to wean.

How much do you feed at night? How often and
for what duration?

I started keeping track of how long I was feeding and then cut down by a minute on each side every night or every other night. Then I would stretch between feedings. If he got up sooner than every 3 hours than my husband would get him back to sleep.

How much do you feed during the day? How often and for what duration?

Kim had excellent success by adding feedings during the day and increasing the amount she fed her baby during the day as she weaned at night.

I highly recommend the book "Helping your child sleep through the night" by Cuthbertson. Most of the steps I took to get Adam to sleep through the night are from that book. One thing in the book that really helped was a "focal feeding". You wake your baby at 11:00 (before they usually wake for their first feeding). This way, you control the feeding and then within a few weeks you can drop the feeding and they should sleep right through it.

Click on the star to find "Helping Your Child Sleep Through the Night" by Joanne Cuthbertson on Amazon.com

Helping Your Child Sleep Through The Night

The most important thing that I found was to make changes one a time and then wait a few days before making the next change. Your babies have taken 6 mo to develop the habits that they have, it is going to take a while to change them. But I believe that 6 mo is a great age to start working on sleep habits. If you wait too much longer, they become more aware and it becomes more difficult.

I know how desperate you feel when you haven't had a good night's sleep in more than 6 months. The first question anyone asks you is "is your baby sleeping through the night yet?" Nothing like adding insult to an already tough situation. Some things that many people don't know about babies and sleep is that 50% of babies don't sleep through the night by the age of 6 mo (the number drops to 10% by age 1) and "sleeping through the night" is technically 5 hours (not exactly the night that I picture! LOL) Anyway, please email me if you have any questions or just need support. I've been there and know that just a few small changes can make a huge difference.

Nancy & Adam 16 mo

Here are some links to some additional sleep help from Dr. Sears.

31 Ways to Get Your Baby to go to Sleep and to Stay Asleep

Ask Dr. Sears Website

? Co-Sleeping with High-Need Hayden

Ask Dr. Sears Website


? 5 Reasons why High-Need Infants Sleep Differently

Ask Dr. Sears Website

? Dr. Sear's Sleep Problems Bulletin Board

Ask Dr. Sears Website

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