Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...

A Texas Sicilian's Sanctuary

Welcome to my "cyber-home"!

A very special lady in my life
(Soon to come) Family pictures and info.
(Check out the "about me" page for now, as this hasn't been done yet.)
Some of my friends' pictures and info.
(loads slow, I think it's worth the wait. Hope you do too.)
To find out about my former wives and other lovers
Some of my favorite places to go on the web
(friends' pages & other links)
A little bit about me and what I like to do for fun
Where I work and what I do
A little about where I live
(more coming soon!)
(This is actually off my site, but gives lots of local info.)
A VERY interesting article I found and have copied & displayed with the author's permission. I think you'll be at first amazed, but then will agree with what she says.


I hope you've enjoyed looking around.

Thanks for visiting!

Future changes are planned, so please check back from time to time.

If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to EMAIL ME!

(I used to have a guest book, but the company that kept it had a computer crash & wiped out all the entries... so I decided that keeping my records in email would be better for me. Hope you can understand that.) I'd like to know you stopped in for a visit. Please drop me a note & let me know what you think of my site. Along that same line, I found out that the company that kept my counter has gone belly-up. My new counter is provided courtesy of

Originally written on October 26, 1996
Last updated December 6, 2007