Hi. This is the altar. You go into the "leave an offering" section and leave something.
Don't insult Him or flame me, I'll just delete the post.

A bit on the "Him no Miko"- a Miko is a japanese term that technically means a priestess of a shrine. However, anime fangirls have adopted it to generally mean a character's number one fan or keeper. So I use it in something like a combination of the two, though more the second (even though PpG isn't anime) since using the first referring to my Shrine is probably blasphemy.

Leave something. Him likes fluffy things. A lot.

Leave an Offering ~~ View the Offerings

random thought of the day that is completely beyond random: the top picture of Him looks kinda like God when he's in the sky from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.... except without some of the smart-ass comments.