Okay. Wow. Fanclub revamp!!

I changed the name. Pretty Evil is way better than whatever it was before. And the graphics are wayyyy better. Yes, I know they're not great, but if you had seen the other ones, you'd think these are fantastic.

To join: Email BvsH with your email address, name (the one you go by online) and website URL (if you have a website, anyway) so she can put you in the member directory.  You've also gotta use the little box on this page to join the Mailing List. I'm going to have a list of sites that are members on here.

People have been telling me this doesn't work for some reason... if it doesn't, just email me and i'll sign you up. NEVER LET TECHNOLOGY GET IN THE WAY OF FANDOM!!!! (BvsH needs sleep... can you tell? Or coffee. Coffee will also do nicely.)

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So, please, please join! Prove you love Him.

You get a pictre. Stick it somewhere (like a webpage) and link it back to http://www.oocities.org/himshrine/Him_Fanclub.html