Sometimes I Wonder: After Thoughts
Chapter 5--by Christine Sixteen

Okay to get you guys off my case, here’s the UNWORTHY disclaimer. I don’t own Powerpuff girls or any related characters. I do, however, own some of their
stuff. And most importantly, this is, I’m just making my dream ep public. Oh and by the way, don’t write any reviews about the disclaimer only. Please
R/R my fanfic. If you wics, you may question and or comment my note. AND my fic also. Just not part of it.


Terana is the original author of “Sometimes..../ Therapy” etc. (God Bless You!)

I am taking over in these next chapters. We hope you enjoy them. I give thanks to the Queen of Slash Terana(Mad Love Vibes to YA!). If yu have a problem with
the same gender relationships, the don’t read the fic.





The morning rays touched my face. The start of a new dawn did not get rid of the old horror. My horrors and fears were proven true last night. In my dreams,
Professor was being stolen away by our own worst foe, Him. Not only did Him steal the Professor's body from us, but also his heart. The way he spoke to Him. So soft, so encouraging...

”Blossom, we gotta get to school!” My thoughts were sidetracked by my sister Bubbles. Her pigtails were a mess. Buttercup was still under the sheets, so I shook her awake. She gave me that grumpy morning attitude, as usual.

I knew that if I told my sisters about what had passed before my eyes early this morning, it would be a big mistake. Not only for me, but for the Professor also. I
wanted to leave him alone until I could speak with him privately. I had to ask him about last night. I had to see the Professor--alone--after school. I managed to get ready and eat a light breakfast instead of drowning my sorrows in a stack of twenty pancakes, like yesterday. Bubbles and Buttercup quickly noted my straight forwardness and anti talkativeness. “Yo Bloss, what’s up? You’re usually with your dopey quote, 'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a girl quick, pretty and wise.’” My eyes widened, and I felt an acute pain in my stomach.

“Uh, now that you mentioned the Professor, I’m gonna kiss him goodbye.” Bubbles' remark seemed babyish to Buttercup, I could tell. But I couldn’t let Bubbles see
the Professor.

“Wait Bubbles, you can’t see the Professor right now!” Bubbles turned and stared at me with a confused look.

“Why not?”

"Um, well, you know how busy he is with his work... and um he was working in the lab last night. He’s still sleeping. You don’t wanna wake him.” I cringed after saying that last word. 'Work'. Ha.

I was saved by the school bus. Buttercup was somewhat suspicious of me, but forgot about it when Mitch invited her for a football game during recess. Bubbles didn’t
seem to notice and accepted my little lie. If Him wants to give up crime to be with the Professor, he’ll have to prove it. Perhaps I judged too quickly, it was possible that Him was telling the truth. But it was really none of my business--whatever makes the Professor happy makes me happy. I’m not the one to ruin his romance lifestyle. But I knew I had to talk to him about this--right after school.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 6