All right, I updated this. I still need input from you guys, but if I think up anything else, I'll be sure to write it down here.

This spot is a place for various Top Ten things from (maybe) Him's perspective. If anyone has some good ones, send 'em to me at

Note: none of these are in any particular order.

Top Ten Vacation Spots
1. Frederick's of Hollywood (Christine Sixteen)
2. Devil's Den, Gettysburg (Bubbles)
3. The Forests of New Jersey, New Jersey (Bubbles)
4. San Francisco
5. The Dead Sea (Him: it's like a really big bathtub!)
6. Tartarus (the zone of hell in Greek/Roman legend where the bad dead are punished. Methinks Him might learn something useful. Yeah, I'm a latin geek. And?)

Top Ten Movie Rentals
1. Rocky Horror Picture Show
2. Bedazzled (Bubbles)
3. Yellow Submarine
4. The Ninth Gate (Him: Hell AND Johnny Depp! Saw it seventeen times!)

Top Ten Role Models
1. the Head Blue Meanie
2. David Bowie
3. Boy George
4. Tim Curry/Dr. Frankenfurter
5. Marilyn Manson (Christine Sixteen)
6. Satan (Christine Sixteen)
7. Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus, a.k.a. Caligula
8. Prince
9. Sebastian the Crab
10. Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman".

Top Ten Songs
1. Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith
2. Sweet Transvestite on the RHPS soundtrack
3. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town
4. Lola by the Kinks
5. Bad Boys (I think that's what it's called, anyway) by either Janet Jackson or Gloria Estefan. I think it's the latter.