Massacre of Tibetan Buddhists by Communist China

Communism like Islam and Christianity is an expansionist dogmatic religion which always saw indigenous traditions and cultures with aversion. In its expansionist spree it cares little for the human life and even basic humanist values. So it is no big surprise that China decided to swallow the little Buddhist State of Tibet. Tibetian Buddhism combines Tantric mysticism with the Buddhist kernel brought to the nation by the students of Nagarjuna school of Buddhist metaphysics. In fact, in a way the development of Chinese medical system with the Puncha Budddha concept. Tibet thus represents an unique culture where the essence of Indian values manifest themselves in diversity without destroying the local culture but making it even more beautiful. And what Communism did and is still doing to this beautiful culture and its peace loving people is typical of the beast level to which humanity will be taken to when a system like Communism gets hold of the state power.

"... but of course, religion is poison. It has two great defects: It undermines the race ...(and) retards the progress of the country. Tibet and Mongolia have both been poisoned by it."-Mao-Tse-Tung

On 28 March 1959, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai issued an Order of State Council "dissolving" the Government of Tibet. The Dalai Lama and his ministers, while still en route to India, reacted promptly by declaring that the new administration installed in Lhasa, which was totally controlled by the Chinese, would never be recognised by the people of Tibet.

Around 80,000 Tibetans reached the borders of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim after arduous escapes. Many more could not even make it to the border.

According to a secret Chinese military document, the PLA crushed 996 rebellions in Kanlho, Amdo, over the period 1952-58, killing over 10,000 Tibetans. [Work Report of the 11th PLA Division, 1952-1958] Similarly, the population of another Amdo area of Golok had its population reduced from about 130,000 in 1956 to about 60,000 in 1963. [China Spring, June 1986]

Speaking about the same area, the Panchen Lama said:

If there was a film made on all the atrocities perpetrated in Qinghai Province, it would shock the viewers. In Golok area, many people were killed and their dead bodies rolled down the hill into a big ditch. The soldiers told the family members and relatives of the dead people that they should celebrate since the rebels have been wiped out. They were even forced to dance on the dead bodies. Soon after, they were also massacred with machine guns. [Speech by the Panchen Lama at a meeting of the Sub-Committee of the National People's Congress in Peking on situation in Tibet, 28 March 1987]

Nehru the then Indian ruler had a pathological love for Communist dictators. He and the most of Indian media which he effectively controlled, had covered up the genocidal atrocities Communist China committed to Tibet and its culture. Thus the pseudo-secularist media and Nehru betrayed India and Her culture and in a way collaborated with the Communists so that no public outcry came from Indian masses. The only Indian leaders who opposed the genocide in Tibet were Veer Savarkar, Dr. Ambedkar and Guruji Golwalkar

Chinese army intelligence reports admit that the PLA killed 87,000 members of the Tibetan resistance in Lhasa and surrounding areas between March and October 1959 alone. [Xizang Xingshi he Renwu Jiaoyu de Jiben Jiaocai, PLA Military District's Political Report, 1960]

On 9 September 1965, China formally established the so-called Tibet Autonomous Regional government, placing under its administration the whole of U-Tsang and parts of Kham area. China stripped numerous ethnic Tibetans like the Sherpas, Monpas, Lhopas, Tengpas, Jangpas, etc, who consider themselves to be Tibetan, of their Tibetan identity, classifying them as distinct Chinese minorities.

Out of Tibet's total of 6,259 monasteries and nunneries only about eight remained by 1976. Among those destroyed were the seventh-century Samye, the first monastery in Tibet; Gaden, the earliest and holiest monastic university of the Gelugpas; Sakya, the main seat of the Sakyas; Tsurphu, one of the holiest monasteries of the Kagyus; Mindroling, one of the most famous monasteries of the Nyingmapas; Menri, the earliest and most sacred Bön monastery, etc. Out of 592,558 monks, nuns, rinpoches (reincarnates) and ngagpas (tantric practitioners), over 110,000 were tortured and put to death, and over 250,000 were forcibly disrobed.

In its reports of 1959 and 1960, the Legal Inquiry Committee of the International Commission of Jurists said:

The Committee found that acts of Genocide had been committed in Tibet in an attempt to destroy the Tibetans as a religious group, and that such acts are acts of genocide independently of any conventional obligation."

Hindu Holocaust Day - August 14 Every Year. Lest we forget ...

Hindu Holocaust Records maintained and updated by :Aravindan Neelakandan