Hindu Puraan

1-Brahm Puraan,   2-Padm Puraan,   3-Vishnu Puraan4-Shiv Puraan5-Bhaagvat Puraan,   6-Naarad Puraan   
7-Maarkandeya Puraan,
8-Agni Puraan9-Bhavishya Puraan10-Brahm Vaivart Puraan11-Ling Puraan,  12-Vaaraah Puraan13-Skand Puraan,
14-Vaaman Puraan,  15-Koorm Puraan16-Matsya Puraan,  17-Garud Puraan,  18-Brahmaand Puraan

17-Garud Puraan


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17-Garud Puraan

Garun Puraan is the 17th Puraan in the row of 18 Puraan. This Puraan is divided in    and contains 19,000 Shlok (verses).

It describes the status of soul after death, its journey after death to born again, Narak (hell) etc. Normally people read it or listen to it after somebody's death for 12 days. This tells them about spirituality and gives some relief to bereaved people from the sorrow and grief of the dead.



Puraan Home

Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 3/15/2005, and Updated on 12/04/2005
E-mail:  hindupuraan@yahoo.com