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       Kirsten's Lil             FriendShip Site!!
Hi! I am Kirsten Rae Sunburst Roche, and this is my site. It is dedicated to my friends, who are very important to me \ (even though some pages are about me). I know I have the best friends in the world! I love you guys so much!! There will be new pics on this site every few weeks, so keep checkin back, guys!

*There are more pics as you go down this page, so scroll down...
Awesome quotes about friendship!
Friends tell each other everything...
Shout-out to all my BFF's! U wanna c what I think of u, click here!
See? Some friends have, uh, "unique" frienships...
Sign my guestbook! C'mon! Come on! You know you want to...
Pics of me and my friends!
This is a pic of my the best girlfriend in the history of the universe, Awbrey! Isn't she just so adorable? And she's mine! Haha! We've been dating for 5 months on December 5th, 2003. She's an absolute angel, and I am in love with her.
This is the site's mascot!
people have visited this site since July 4th, 2003!
Pages About My Friends, as well as other crap:
My completly, utterly, fully, totally, purely, stupidly useless page of clipart! Well, I guess if you're making a website or something, you can use this page...
Fox Comic!
Links to kickass sites!!
About Me! Kirsten!
This page made me cry so hard for so long. Please read it, and take careful consideration in caring for your animals!
A little page about my princess, Awbrey!
Animal-Friendly Quotes and Slogans