York University!

Place: York Univeristy
Date: 3rd of March, 2000

    York University is one of the best Universities in Toronto, not to mention the largest, with over 50,000 men and women (mostly women) from all over the world studying at it's 55 acre campus...And yes, it's true, York really does have a 3:1 ratio of girls to guys...though that's not my main reason for choosing to attend York U...well, okay, it's not my ONLY reason = )

    But what's a new school without new friends?...no fun!...luckily, i met these 3 great gals, who became my best friends on campus...now if only we'd listen in on lectures (instead of goofing off) once in a while!.

    There's Dianne (the Mysterious One) Hardly ever joining us for lunch after class, instead she usually heads over to the Psych Dept. where she volunteers to be a test subject in some of their weird experiments...And when she's not playing the Guinea Pig for some Mad Scientist, she usually hides in the Library, where she dissapears for hours on end, attempts to locate her have proven futile. And when she finally does re-appear, she's usually coated with some very questionable chicken feathers....what kind of sick, twisted and depraved things go on in the hidden depths of the library anyway?....all i know is...I want IN!!! = )

   There's Tu Anh (the Business-Woman, and bane of every beggar on earth) Tu Anh is most definitely Asian, i've never met anyone else as smart, studious, hardworking or as good with money as Tu Anh. She somehow manages to juggle two Universities and a Job, while still finding the time to go out and get plastered almost every night of the week, how does she do it?...it must be some ancient Vietnamese herb or potion for stamina...geez, i hope it's not that "Balut" thing = )

   And last, but certainly not least, is my best friend, Jen (the Joker) Perpetually hungry, but never able to decide where to eat... Between us, i think we've managed to piss of our professor by laughing, talking and generally not listening to a single word he says during our lectures. After class we usually stand around for 15 minutes trying to decide where to eat...And afterwards, if she's feeling a bit evil, she'll scull her next class so we can go play some Pool in the arcade.

   I'm glad i found friends like these, even though we hardly ever see Di and Anh anymore, i'll certainly have a lot of good memories of my time at York.

(Background Music - "Tokimeki No Doukasen" from Fushigi Yuugi.)

Best Friends

Here i am with three of my best friends at York U....Jen Ng, Dianne Fonseca and Tu Anh Phan.

Say What!?

Jen finally discovers what hot dog sausages are REALLY made of = )

Whatta Bunch'a Cuties

Jen, Dianne, and Anh...if it weren't for them, i don't think i'd ever have gone to NatSci class.

Me and Dianne

I'm glad Di escaped the lab early and got a chance to take these photos with us

Me and Anh

While waiting for Di to show up, we all bought Hot-Dogs and ate on the grass of the Commons, of course, by the time Di finally showed up, Anh still wasn't finished with hers = )

Me and Jen

Heheh, I'm bad enough on my own, but what happens when you pair me off with someone else as twisted and warped as myself? = )

Jen and Di

I'm glad i picked these two to be my lab partners...they may not be rocket scientists, but they sure are fun to hang around with = )

Jen and Anh I

2 of the cutest Asian girls on campus = ).

Jen and Anh II

Anh plans to open up a Dry-Clean business, with Jen's secret bleaching technique (manufactured all-naturally with grapefruits!), they should be able to make quite a killing in the laundry business!


Dianne after one of those wacky experiments they've been running on her in the Psych labs = )


Whatsamatter Jen?...Camera Shy?

Jen again

Jen's so innocent looking, you'd never believe that she drinks alcohol like a fish drinks water = )

Anh and Jen

With cute smiles like that, how could i resist taking this picture?

Anh and Jen II

Hehehe, Anh strikes a pose as Jen looks on..."Wha!?"