James Sweeney
This will take you to the home page.
This will take you to an area that deals with Derrys association with shirt making.
This will take you to an area that deals with who founded the shirt industry in Derry.
This takes you to an area that deals with out working.
This takes you to an area that deals with the advent of shirt making in factories.
This takes you to a page that contains memories of those who worked in shirt factories in Derry.
Derrys association with shirt making
Who founded the shirt industry in Derry?
The history of out-working.
The advent of shirt making in factories
This is a photograph of the former site of the shirt factory of James Sweeney.
On this site on the East Wall now occupied by the Millenium Forum, there once stood the shirt factory of James Sweeney.
This takes you to the top of the page.
Top of the page.
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