Welcome to my Pipes page!

Sorry bout the pics...they'll be up soon!

PIPES A pipe is a simple device to smoke ganja. It (and any other devices working under the same principal) doesn't require you to chop up the weed, as with joints, and you get the added bonus of resin accumulation in the bowl. A pipe is essentially a mouthpiece, a bowl with a screen for the dope, and a pipe connecting the two together. You put the dope into the bowl, light it, and suck from the mouthpiece. Standard tobacco pipes work fine if you add a screen, and screened corn cob pipes work well, as the resin soaks into the cob (which can later be chopped up and smoked), just make sure it's screened and fairly heat resistant. Some pipes have a heating element (usually a car cigarette lighter element) that heats the dope up to sub-flammable temperatures and releases all of the cannaboids without destroying any, as direct flame tends to do. These are called tilt or vaporizor pipes (or bongs, if an element is built into one), and I've yet to rig up a reliable one. If you can make a metal pipe, you can drop some dope onto a heated up cigarette lighter and draw, or drop some on and collect the smoke in a 2-litre bottle with the bottom cut off and inhale from the top (similar to hot knives, below).

I don't use many pipes these days, except for convenience. The most portable type of smoking instrument, you can make them pretty much out of anything. Coke cans, copper piping, tobacco pipes... I've even made a pipe out of a cigarette package (in a pinch). Coke cans make great temporary pipes, just indent it on the side, puncture some small holes in it and smoke from the spout. Punch a carb (an airhole that you keep covered while hooting and uncover to clear the chamber at the end of your toke) in the side if you wish. A rubber hose with a copper bowl stuck on the end works quite nicely. Carve them out of wood or soapstone. Make them out of clay or ceramics. The only things you need are a hole w/screen to put your bud in and a mouthpiece on the other end.

A stash pipe is a pipe with a small amount of ganja held in the stem of the instrument. Whenever bud is smoked in the bowl, the ganja in the stem is bathed in smoke and coated in resin. The longer you leave it in, the stronger it gets. Here's how to make a few pipes and bongs out of some simple household items! Get HIGH and Stay Stoned!

These Pipes are purely disposable, and can be made with regular, throw away items that can be found anywhere and everywhere! If you don't have something to smoke out of then use your imagination!!

A HUGE Special THANX to everyone who has written in with their ideas! I never really imagined such a great response! Thank you All!

(For a better view, just click on the thumbnail picture on the left!)

Type of Pipe:


Description and Instructions

TP Steam Roller

Toilet Paper Steamroller Pipe Toilet paper roll, Tin foil, sharp object. Take the empty toilet paper roll and cut a hole in it about 2/3 up it. Cut a hole about the size of a quarter. Fill the hole with a layer of tin foil and create a bowl loosely while being careful not to break the layer of foil. Take a sharp pin or needle (or something similar) and make a few holes in the bottom. Add some bud and light up! (use your hand to cover the other part)

Tin Foil Pipe

Tin Foil Pipe

Tin foil Take a piece of tin foil and wrap it into a small cone (Make a BIG cone if you have lot's of tasty bud) Slightly bend into a pipe shape, add your tasty bud and . . . . . PUFF!

Pop Can Pipe

Pop can Pipe

Pop can, and a sharp object. Take a pop can and smash the side of it (a dent actually) Take a sharp object like a nail, and create a few small holes in it. Add some tasty bud and you have a nice pipe! (I like a carb on the end of this one so I add an extra hole!)
  RE: Pop can Pipe


  If you are smoking weed from a can and someone happens to approach you (cop maybe), then act as if you are drinking a soda by putting your hand over the side of the can with the weed on it. (Try to hide the caborator as well!) When getting rid of a can smash it before leaving

Homemade Bong

Small Shampoo bottle (or something similar), Bic pen, some tin foil and a sharp object. Take a bottle and wash out good (Make sure all the smell is out of it!). Take the sharp object and make a hole in the bottle, take the Bic pen case and shove it through. Make a little bowl out of the tinfoil (use the "Tin Foil Pipe" method) and put it at the top of the Bic. Add a little water and DO BONGS! (Be careful not to melt the bic pen!)

Apple Pipe

Apple Pipe

Apple, Tin foil, knife, long sharp object, Bic pen (optional) Cut you apple, as shown to the left (click the thumbnail) take the Bic pen (or something similar) and ram it through to the area you just cut out, take the tin foil and use it for a screen. This makes that tasty bud even tastier!
RE: Apple Pipe

by. . . JaY

  A potato will substitute for an apple if you dont have the latter. a little easier to shape the bowl, too. great site, keep up the good work.

NOTE: I'm gona dive in here and take a few final steps. . . You can also use Pineapples, Pears, or whatever you can think of. . . (EscapedKiller)

C02 Pipe

(Yeah i know it looks weird but it works. Keep token- Adam)

Empty CO2 cartridge, hacksaw, and some tin foil Take an empty co2 cartridge and cut about 3/4 of the main part off (using a hacksaw). Use the foil for a screen.

(Great Idea!)

Tampon Rolling Papers

Tampon Wrapper (You know. . the kind that's like a plug = ^) If you don't know what this is then ask your momma! Tampon wrappers work great! The paper is so thin you don't even need any glue and you can roll some bombers!

Shoebox Papers

(by. . ~DP~)

The thin, paper like material that covers your shoes when you buy them. (Not the stuff that the Goodwill puts them in for you to take home, thats called a plastic bag) I don't know if you know or not, but shoebox paper makes for good rolling papers! Smoke on!

Bible Rolling Papers

by . . . Twiggy

1 Bible (Please, no comments!) If you don't mind defacing the bible, the blink pages in the back are the same thing as rolling papers, and you can roll some fattys!!!!

Soda Bottle Toker

By . . . Mikey

600ml soda bottle, bread bag, tape,

Take a 600ml soda bottle and cut the bottom out and get a bread bag and tape it to the bottem of the bottle and push it up inside then make a hole in the lid and find a bowl to fit the hole you made as you light the bowl slowly pull the bag down and that will draw in the smoke when the bag is all the way out unscrew the cap and take your hoot.

Film Canister Pipe

by... NauTiCaLH

Film Canister, metal salt shaker top, tin foil, sharp object, Straw

To make a nice pipe take a film canister and pop of the top. Then take a METAL salt shaker top (make sure its wide enough) and put it in the top so it fits tightly. now poke a hole in the side with a knife and insert a straw. DONT FORGET TO WRAP THE WHOLE CANISTER IN TIN FOIL SO U DONT MELT THE CANISTER.

Yoyo Popcan Bong

By. . . POISAN

Popcan, Sharp Object, Tin Foil

You can make a bong out of a pop can. Make it like you did with the pipe..pop can pipe..1.only make a small hole 2 inches from the bottom and make a long thin piece of foil with a foil bowl at the top.-don't forget to make a screen between the shute and bowl--- use lots of tape. make a carb. , put in the bong water at the bottom (if you use AW root beer, it tastes soooo sweet.) then fill up the bowl with high quality THC shit. then enjoy.

Cereal Box Pipe

Cereal Box Pipe

by. . . BIGG

Here is a pic of a pipe I just made with a little cereal box. All you need is a little cereal box, tape, foil, and knife.It worked pretty good. Just Click on the picture to the right and you should be able to figure this one out for yourself!

(Note from the BONGROOM: This Pipe is BAD ASS!)

Asthma inhaler pipe

By. . . . Tripper

Asthma inhaler, tin foil Asthma inhaler pipe, make a bowl with tin foil etc over the part where you put the mouth, take out the medicine canister and inhale out of there, keep the cap that come with the inhaler so you can conceal it as a inhaler. since my description is bad, heres a crude drawing

For a good view of directions, please [CLICK HERE]

PVC Pipe

by... Big B

PVC Pipe, PVC cement, Cologne top, Screen, cologne top, pipe Here's what I did. First, my dad had some pvc laying around (you can pick this up cheap at any hardware store). One was about 5 inches long, the other was an L shape. I also took a gap cologne bottle top (the small kind) and drilled a hole in the bottom. Next I took some screen from my window and trimmed it up to fit inside the cologne top which had the hole in it and fitted it right over the hole. Now just put a little PVC cement or other strong glue and shove the cologne top in the top of the L PVC with a little glue on the inside and do the same for the 5 inch tube. It sounds like a lot of work but I completed mine in less than fifteen minutes. It helps a lot to take the cologne top to the hardware store to make sure you get the right diameter of pipe. You don't have to use a cologne top, but I found that it worked alright. You can also drill an optional hole in the side of the pipe if you want.

The Waterfall

by . . . "OG"

Get a large bottle of soda prefebly a 3 liter, put a cigarette hole near the bottom, keep your finger on the hole and add water until the bottle is nearly full up.then place some tinfoil around the opening of the bottel and puncture pinholes into the tinfoil.put your hash or weed on the tinfoil and light it.when you light it pull your finger from the cigarette hole and the water flows out but the smoke fills the chamber then all you have to do is inhale and get stoned. You have to put your finger over the rushole (cigarette hole) when you take a lug and as your near the end of your lug lift your finger off the rushole this creates a vacuum which is good because it gets you stone big time its easier with two people and their is enough smoke to go around.

These are called waterfalls and they are cool.

The Hooka

by . . -lollipop :)

Here's what you need- a water bottle like evian or poland spring(a plastic soda bottle works too), tin foil, a sharp object, a pin, and a straw.

poke a hole about 3 or 4 inches above the base of the bottle. put the straw in (mcdonald's staws work great cause they are big) If you want a carb, then poke a hole at the top of the bottle too. then put the water in. after that, you put the tin foil around the mouth of the bottle, poking it a little in the bottle. then, you take the pin and poke tiny holes in the tin foil. you put the weed in there. you light up and suck through the straw and enjoy. honestly, this thing works better than alot of my bowls do. Come to think of it, it's actually more of a hooka than a bong but whatevs... anyways your page is great! have a great day, and keep on tokin'! -lollipop :)
Brass Chamber Pipe

by. . . SPIFF

Small brass(copper is bad for you) plumbing elbow joint, and threaded strait plumbing pieces,teaball(for screen),pen grip from a BIC with a rubber grip,cologne bottle top.

Cut the teaball into 3 small circles that are large enough to fit into your piping. Place one screen inside of the top side of your new bowl (top of elbow joint), another screen on the other side of the elbow joint, and another inside a brass washer then screw it on. Only use the pen grip if your elbow joint has three holes in it. If it doesn't just toss that grip away. Now you have a tripple screened pipe for fuckin fat hoots and it cleans easily and produces alot of oil. Directions for a third lung: materials: large freezer bag(no ziplocks, they don't work),top of 2L pop bottle and a big elastic. directions: Cut a 2L pop bottle's end off so you have only a part with the screw on cap part and some extra plastic to stick your mouth on.Take the large freezer bag and place it on the spout of the bottle but first remove cap.Then rap rubber band around bag and spout. Now recycle your hoots and join my Wheelchair Clan Pot Smokers club~!

Backwards Altoids Pipe

by. . . ICPAT

Altoids box, straw or something, foil. . .

Another Kick Ass Pipe sent in by ICPAT [CLICK HERE] for a complete picture with directions! You gotta see this. . .