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Useful Resources

"Parenting Resources: Click Here to:Visit The Family Resources"

Educational Links

To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

LD Online - the interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children.

National Center for Learning Disabilities.

International Dyslexia Assoc.

  • Parent Pals Ameri-Corp Speech and Hearing has developed a gifted and special education website for parents called Parent Pals. They provide general information, weekly ideas, games, links, and newsletters from therapists, teachers, and psychiatrist in reference to the following disabilities: ADD, autism, deaf and hard of hearing, emotionally disturbed, gifted, learning disability, mental retardation, homeschooling, orthopedically impaired, otherwise health impaired, severe and/or multiple disabilities, speech and language impairment, stuttering, traumatic brain injury and, visually impaired.

  • National Parent Information network

    MUMS National Parent-to-Parent Network

    The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
    - is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.

    Federal Resource Center for Special Education (FRC) - is a special education technical assistance project funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and is part of the Regional Resource and Federal Centers Network

    Band-Aides and Blackboards
    - when chronic illness...or some other medical problem...goes to school

    DREAMMS for Kids, Inc.
    - educational technologies for kids with special needs

    Institute for Special Education

    - University of Fribourg/Switzerland (English and German)

    National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP)
    - promotes the effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities

    SERI - Special Education Resources on the Internet

    Special Needs Education Network(SNE)

    "Dyslexia Information" The Dyslexia Archive - specific learning difficulties

    Dyslexia, Positive Aspects of the Learning Disability

    A Guide to Students with Learning Disabilities

    Home and Education

    The Instant Access Treasure Chest - the Foreign Language Teachers' Guide to Learning Disabilities

    Internet Special Education Resources (ISER) - is a nationwide directory of professionals who serve the learning disabilities and special education communities. ISER’s objective is to help people find local professionals who can help them with assessment, therapy, school placement, advocacy, and a host of other special needs.

    Learning Disabilities - decade of the brain

    National Institute for Literacy Home Page

    Orton Dyslexia Society

    Health Related Links

  • To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

    Childrens Health Care Resources(With and Without Special needs)

    KidSource OnLine
    - for children's healthcare information

    KidsHealth.Org - health information for kids, parents, and professionals

    The Institute for Health & Disability - a network of programs for children and their families

    Children's Hospitals and Departments of Pediatrics Around the World

    Achoo: Healthcare Online

    American Medical Association
    - a useful site with links to consumer health information, searchable database of more than 650,000 U.S. physicians, etc

    - answers to your health questionsHealth-Line: Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education - an informative site which takes the mystery out of health insurance by providing information about this often overwhelming subject in straight-forward, unbiased, and easily understandable terms

    Managed Care (MCARE) - the national clearinghouse on managed care and long-term services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities and their families

    ***Help with Prescription Drug costs...***

    The Medicine Program - medicine at NO COST!


    To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

    One A.D.D. Place

    A.D.D. Clinic - diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

    ADD/ADHD Europe - links to ADD/ADHD sites and information throughout Europe

    ADHD: Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder - advocate for Neurofeedback EEG treatments and challenges the opinions and statistics from CH.A.D.D.
    Attention Deficit Disorder - a page for parents by a parent.

    Attention Deficit Disorders - this site is dedicated to all parents and teachers of children suffering from an Attention Deficit Disorder
    Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) - if you think your child has ADD/ADHD with or without Learning Disabilities.

    Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CH.A.D.D.)

    Feingold Association of the United States (FAUS) - dedicated to increasing awareness of the connection between diet and the symptoms of ADD, ADHD and Learning Disabilities.

    A Holistic Approach to Attention Deficit Disorder - by Dianne Greyerbiehl, Ph.D.

    National Academy for Child Development (NACD) - your ADD/ADHD child

    One A.D.D. Place - Attention Deficit Disorder.

    Resources on ADD

    Ritalin, ADHD, and   Diagnosing Children


    To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

    The Dyslexia Archive - specific learning difficulties

    Dyslexia, Positive Aspects of the Learning Disability

    A Guide to Students with Learning Disabilities.

    Home and Education.

    The Instant Access Treasure Chest

    - the Foreign Language Teachers' Guide to Learning Disabilities .

    Internet Special Education Resources (ISER)

    - is a nationwide directory of professionals who serve the learning disabilities and special education communities. ISER’s objective is to help people find local professionals who can help them with assessment, therapy, school placement, advocacy, and a host of other special needs.

    Learning Disabilities

    - decade of the brain.

    Learning Disabilities Association of America.

    LD Online - the interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children.

    National Center for Learning Disabilities.

    National Institute for Literacy Home Page. >br>
    Orton Dyslexia Society >BR>


    To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) - promotes the interest of and provides the highest quality services for professionals in audiology, speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science, and to advocate for people with communication disabilities.

    Apraxia Kids - provides information regarding apraxia of speech (motor speech disorder) as well as how it affects our families and ultimately the children themselves.

    KidsEars - Pfizer Pharmaceutical's hearing and language development site containing a comprehensive listing of milestones and suggestions.

    Kidsource Online: Spoken Language Problems - a basic explanation of the various types of oral language difficulties.

    National Aphasia Association - a nonprofit organization that promotes public education, research, rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families

    Speech and Language Disorders - Judith Kuster's large list of sites related to the many types of speech and language disorders.

    Speech and Language Milestones Chart - provided by Kidsource, this is a very basic and simplified list of by when you may generally expect various skills to be mastered.


    Accent on Living Magazine - a magazine and service for, by and about people who happen to have a disability.

    Americans with Disabilities Newsletter - help readers stay on top of developments and initiatives across a whole range of disability-related issues in such areas as employment, housing and access, as well as politics, law and public policy.

    Family Magazine On-line

    Mainstream Magazine online of the Able-Disabled - provides news, advocacy and lifestyle zine for people with disabilities.

    OutLook Magazine on the Web - assisting people with disabilities, their families,care givers and professionals.

    Disability Laws and Information

    To view these resource sites just click on the topic of your choice. Please remember that although I lists these sites as resource aids I do not endorse any particular method or treatment. You should Contact a professional for futher information. I do however: Firmly believe in learning about the needs of yourself, spouse, children, family and friends and become an advocate for that person! I Would appreciate you signing my guestbook letting me know of your comments and other links of helpful information to add to these list. Thank You.

    Americans with Disabilities Act Information - United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.

    Center on Human Policy (CHP).

    The Disability Rights Activist - brings together much of the information needed to enable anyone interested in the rights of disabled people to work for those rights.

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) '97- complete edition.

    Laws Affecting Children with Special Needs.

    Law and Disability - the Easter Seal Society.

    LawGuru.com - disability discrimination and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) question and answer page.

    National Organization on Disability(NOD) - promotes full and equal participation of America's 49 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.

    Substantive Law on the World Wide Web - provides the quickest and most comprehensive means of researching state and federal law.

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