So Ya Wanna Know What Pocky Is....
So you've heard of this mystical snack treat and want to know exactly what the rave is about, eh? Well you've come to the right place. By the time you're done reading all this, you'll be a foremost expert on the material so that one day, when someone asks you "What the HELL is this Pocky Thing", you can bestow this great knowledge upon them as well... or direct them to my webpage. Whatever floats your boat.

Pocky \'pock-E\ n (1960)
    1 A delightful treat composed of a pretzel stick dipped in a variety of flavored coating, served in a box of varying numbers and priced in the $1.99 - $6.99 range. This treat was created by Glico corporation, and has serviced millions of hungry otaku worldwide at conventions and other gatherings.

(More as this page is created)