I Love Jamaat Jamans


I was born a normal weight, like all other normal kids

After birth my parents instilled in me some good and bad habits

One of the bad ones was they kept feeding me until I burped & spit

The other was they didn’t bother me when I slept resting fit


With that kind of training, I excel in eating and sleeping

Wife yells at my sleeping but I can beat the best in eating

Doctor says to lose weight as the chance of diabetes need beating

What else is there in life, Allah bless my parents for good teaching


It must be Allah’s punishment for a diabetes-prone to be married

To a wife who eats ice cream by gallons, stays slim & is not harried

If I ate as much sweet as she does, on four people’s shoulder I will be carried

Why was I not born with low blood sugar and cholesterol, with Allah I queried?


I love jamaat jamans as my wife is not there to watch me

Two khaaraas, two mithaas is not enough, I would love to have three

For food and sleep, it must be a genetic quirk for wives to worry

What she eats and how much she sleeps never bothers me


I love jamaat jamans because I sit among friends and the family

My wife is not there to talk about worries that she dreams up daily

I can concentrate on eating without a care of  whether or not it is oily

At home sweet and oily dishes for me disappear miraculously


I love jamaat jamans except they are so rare

Only about 200 a year, that’s not enough for me to flare

I wish them 3 times every day, to get me a nice mid-riff spare

Then I can have a triple by-pass, for my wife to have a good scare


I love jamaat jamans because they are so rich and oily

Wife’s cooking and the jamans in jamea are so healthy

Aamil saheb keeps reminding me “ Qhum anta tashtahi (1)

I know what that means, but I tell him I don’t know Arabi


Either we should serve simple & healthy jamans to maintain our sehat

Or in fakhera jamans reduce servings drastically to do our bodies rehmat

Ita’amut ta’am, feeding the momineen is a straight path to Jannat

We all momineen pray for our Maola to live healthy ta qiyamat


(1)     Maolana Ali (S.A.)’s kalaam = Get up (from thaal) while you are still somewhat hungry


Abd-e-Syedna, TUS – Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhani, Los Angeles, CA