The Cycles of Day & Night


From time immemorial people have come here and gone

In this world of ours, there is always something going on


Births and deaths, weddings and burials everyday

Taking place sometimes near to us, sometimes far away


Fires, earthquakes, mudslides, blizzards and the tsunamis

No one can stop these even with the strongest armies


We all have happy and sad days, wealth and poverty, health and sickness

They all come to each of us whether you are a professional or in business


Take your happy days and days of power & wealth with a grain of salt

Few sunrises later you may be down in the dumps, without any of your fault


Allah says in Quran- e-majeed,” Tilkal Ayyamo Nudaveloha bainan naas “

No one can escape their destiny,  try hard as you may, to say ”Pass”


Sabar and shukar in calamities, what our awliyahs have taught

Allah’s wrath will increase if you cry , complain and stay distraught


In calamities like these you will find a lot of comfort and himmat

In Maola Burhanuddin’s taweez and doas, may he live healthy ta qiyamat



Abd-e-Syedna, TUS – Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhanee, Los Angeles, CA

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